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Hello guys, we would like to use filters of the type 'range' for some attributes. It works so far, o

UP8T3GKFH Posts: 56 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Hello guys, we would like to use filters of the type 'range' for some attributes. It works so far, only we noticed that the empty 'range filters' are always displayed in the Yves frontend. Unused 'single-select' and 'multi-select' filters are hidden in the product list, but the 'range' filters are not. Has anyone seen this and how do I fix it quickly?


  • giovanni.piemontese
    giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Löffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    U can just override this molecule vendor/spryker-shop/catalog-page/src/SprykerShop/Yves/CatalogPage/Theme/default/components/molecules/filter-range/filter-range.twig in project level and make some checks.. i.e. if activeMin and activeMax are just 0 and they are just the same of min and max.. i don't know precisily.. i don't use it..
    but of course u can debug it and calculate according the value that u have what is the right IF Condition that u have to put after block body..

    UP8T3GKFH Posts: 56 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Thx for your reply. I've already tried such a restriction. However, since the range filter is viewed as 'active', the name of the filter appears in the filter section. And I can only hide the slider

  • giovanni.piemontese
    giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ Löffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    But do u have debugged the data in the molecule to understand if u can just hide the whole range filter if.... ?
    As said we don't use it in our project, therefore is a little bit hard to debug now.