POLL: How can we help? Any tips/guides we can create for you?

We share regular tips to help members find their way around this community space. They're in the "Getting Started & Guidelines" main section or you can just click here for a full list.
What would you like to see more of? Are there any tips or guides we can create for you?
So, finish this sentence plz 😄 "I would like to see more tips about…."
POLL: How can we help? Any tips/guides we can create for you? 2 votes
Staying updated with community announcements.
I've also a suggestion for commercequest-forum:
It would be great if topics, areas, categories and also the notifitactions could be subscribed via e.g. RSS/Atom feeds to receive them faster and without actually checking all these seperate aeas here.
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@s.kroll thanks for sharing this suggestion! You can set it up so that you receive email notifications for your followed categories, etc. as a workaround but I added it to our space so it doesn't get lost!
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Staying updated with community announcements.
Thank you for moving my sugestion to the Ideas/Feedback space, @Lauren Kulwicki 👌
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