Community Tip: All about tags

You may have seen tags at the bottom of posts and we're happy to say that this option has now been enabled for community members to add your own too!
Wanted to give a shout-out to @przemyslaw.szychowski for bringing this to our attention :)
- We already have a lot of existing tags that you can apply to your posts to make it easier to search in bulk.
- After making sure there isn't already a tag (we're trying to avoid duplicates since it messes with the search results), you can now add new ones if you notice something is missing.
- To add a tag: Type it into the field and click "enter" to apply a new tag.
- If you want to see all discussions with a particular tag, the best & easiest way to do it is click directly on the tag from that discussion to see a full list.
How to add a tag
When you are creating your own post, you'll find an option to add tags at the bottom.
Start typing in the tag section - hopefully you'll already find an existing tag to use. You can also click the "Show popular tags" link if you want some inspiration.
If you don't see your tag, just click "enter" when you're finished writing your tag and a new one will be created!
IMPORTANT: In order to avoid tag duplicates (which will give incomplete search results), make sure to type in the field to see if this or a similar tag has already been created and use that first.
Searching tags
If you want to see all discussions with a particular tag, the best & easiest way to do it is click directly on the tag from that discussion to see a full list.
But you can also search for tags in the search bar. This process isn't quite as straightforward since the search will also pull the word(s) you typed from various discussions that might not be actually labeled with that tag. So, if you want to see a full tag list, just click the "Discussions" tab in the search and you'll find a "tags" section appear in the right sidebar.
A few more points…
To save you any confusion, you may come across a few labels that look just like tags but aren't clickable. These are generic labels like "Question" and "Answered" or "Announcements" (which allow us to post a discussion to the top of the page for a period of time).
You may also notice that a moderator has added a tag to your post so that it is more easily searchable. In this case, if you hover over the edited date, you may see an admin's name as a recent editor but this only refers to the tag that was added.
Tagging helps to categorize our community content and makes it easier to find stuff in the process. So with that being said, happy tagging! 😎
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