Jenkins plugins
Hi, quick question: do Jenkins plugins (that I manually enable in the GUI) persist between deployments, or is the instance recreated every time? Of course I could just, you know, try and see, but I don't wanna right now :)
Is there an easy way to configure post build actions for Jenkins jobs via code?
Without a way for doing so, any such actions need to be set up manually again after each instance restart/regeneration. It would be nice if this chore could be avoided. As I see, this is not possible via the jenkins php file, although that would be the simplest. Or am I missing something…? (I hope, otherwise custom…
Where do Jenkins job logs go?
I don't know if I'm missing something again, but seems I cannot find logs created during Jenkins job runs anywhere in Cloudwatch. In the Jenkins UI I can of course see the console output and stuff per run, but doing like $this→getLogger()→error("stuff") in job code doesn't send anything to Cloudwatch.
Why Spryker's Jenkins container doesn't have SWAP configured?
Hello, I found that Jenkins container in AWS does not use SWAP. It seems to be a big problem, because whenever queue worker takes more processes, then Jenkins is completely killed or stuck. Even official documentation () says that queue worker can start plenty of processes, which in total can take GBs of memory. Solution…