Job Alert: 🇩🇪-speaking Team Lead IT Operation & Shop Manager
Hi there, we got informed about 2 cool job opportunities at . You find a short translated summary below but highly encourage you to check them out for yourself (the job descriptions are in German). Important element to highlight: 🇩🇪 is a necessary language skill. Team Lead IT Operations Shape MT's IT infrastructure…
New mail-catcher alternative for your dev environment 📧
Heyhey Community 🖖 It's me again, bringing you yet another hopefully incredible update! Have you ever used our mail-catcher, MailHog, in the Spryker dev environment and thought it felt a bit outdated? Then I have exciting news for you 🤩: With today's release of Spryker Docker SDK 1.64.0 we've added Mailpit as the new…
Community News 📰 February
Hi CommerceQuest crew 👋🏼 coming back at you with a short version of our community news 📰 for February Sign-up for our next Spryker Hackathon - March 20-21st , Berlin 🤘🏻 We intend to host our first Spryker Hackathon in 2025 on March 20th to 21st. Based on your feedback from our last hackathons, we extended the length to…
Spryker Commerce Framework DI Magic
After many requests to add more magic to Spryker framework, our architects found a graceful way to enable magic DI. The new approach enables you to get a business models skipping Factory and Dependency provider functions! We currently consider 3x DI (dependency injection) containers, popular in PHP community: PHP-DI…
🛠️ Reworked Community Extensions & Tools List - Your input is needed 🧰
Heyhey and happy new year!! 🥂 We used the calm days to rework our Community Tools list 💪and the following features are now added to make it more useful: Tags Filter for Tags, License and Creator Search Sorting/Ordering of columns You will find the list here: CQ Community Extensions & Tools With this list we want to provide…
Bug in Company Page company user creation? ( Security release 202412.0)
Hi, I come here because I tried to apply Security release 202412.0 to our project. As it turns out, when I enable the 2.30.0 spryker-shop/company-page version module (as per the doc Our customers are then unable to create company users in their company. I believe this is because the…
is documentation for oms reservations up to date? How to sync reservations across stores in DMS?
Hi all :) When setting up our store, we tried to use the storesWithSharedPersistence setting, which never worked for us. This setting is described at…
Regarding logout an user using email of customer
I have a scenario to log out a user from the front end. If a company admin user is changing the access of another user from admin to buyer, another user should log in again with instant reflection of the role. Please suggest how I can implement this.
PHPStan findings - missing capabilities for autocompletion / generation?
We have the behaviour, that phpstan is complaining about missing methods for the autogenerated locator file: Call to an undefined method Generated\Client\Ide\AutoCompletion&Spryker\Shared\Kernel\LocatorLocatorInterface::niceFeature() while we wanna access it with $container->getLocator()->niceFeature()->client(); I dug a…
Is it true that MacBooks series M are so good?
I'd love to get numbers from MacBook types to try: M1/M2/M3/M4 docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.dev.yml docker/sdk up docker/sdk run docker/sdk console transfer:generate + time to reindex in PhpStorm “big” reindexing in IDE (invalidate cache via Settings) If you want to help, please post a message with your laptop model and…
Issue Logging API Response from State Machine to CloudWatch
Hello Team, We have several APIs integrated and are using Spryker\Shared\Log\LoggerTrait to log request and response payloads to AWS CloudWatch. While logging works as expected for Yves and Backgw with the same configuration, we are unable to see the logs for the state machine. For example, we are using the following code…
Getting Error while Running ProductDiscontinued Job.
Hello Team , I am using only US store and other store removed. When i am running product discontinued job geeting error : setup missing for DE store. Error : Exception - Exception: Missing setup for store: DE in /data/vendor/spryker/kernel/src/Spryker/Shared/Kernel/Store.php (207) Command: vendor/bin/console…
Getting error while visit any category page : Unknown "generatePath" function.
/vendor/spryker-shop/catalog-page/src/SprykerShop/Yves/CatalogPage/Theme/default/templates/page-layout-catalog/page-layout-catalog.twig45 {% include molecule('breadcrumb-step') with { data: { url: functionExists('generatePath') ? generatePath(categoryUrl) : categoryUrl, label: categoryLabel, withChevron: not isLastLeaf } }…
Keycloak as an IDP in Stryker
Hi, are there any instructions on how to connect Keycloak as an IDP? At the moment we have a connection but I think that is too over engineered. The second problem is... a change in the spryker/security package to version 1.8 Thanks in advance.
I am trying to Create standalone modules - bug
This command is not working vendor/bin/spryker-dev-console dev:module:create your-company-name.product-category get error vendor/bin/spryker-dev-console: No such file or directory I created module under vendor using this command vendor/bin/spryk-run AddModuleDefault --mode=core --module=ProductCategory --application=Zed…