🛠️ Reworked Community Extensions & Tools List - Your input is needed 🧰

fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,095 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
edited January 10 in Spryker News

Heyhey and happy new year!! 🥂

We used the calm days to rework our Community Tools list 💪and the following features are now added to make it more useful:

  • Tags
  • Filter for Tags, License and Creator
  • Search
  • Sorting/Ordering of columns

You will find the list here: CQ Community Extensions & Tools

With this list we want to provide a single source-of-truth to find all free-to-use Spryker Tools & Extensions to save your time! ⏱️


Ping me, write here or even better → create a PR by yourself at Github: src/content/community-tools, if

  • You think there should be other or more tags on existing entries or the description is outdated?
  • You know of more extensions we should list there so others dont need to reinvent the wheel?
  • You have feedback to the usability, look&feel or other topics about that list

All the best from Berlin,



Have you seen the save-the-date announcement for the March Hackathon? O.o —> https://forum.commercequest.space/events/45-spryker-hackathon-save-the-date-%EF%B8%8F