Getting Error while Running ProductDiscontinued Job.
Hello Team , I am using only US store and other store removed. When i am running product discontinued job geeting error : setup missing for DE store. Error : Exception - Exception: Missing setup for store: DE in /data/vendor/spryker/kernel/src/Spryker/Shared/Kernel/Store.php (207) Command: vendor/bin/console…
How to show Product Description on PLP?
when we come to PLP page of any Category it shows only Product name and price i need to show description as well on plp.
Customer verification
Hi Team, I made a customer account for Yves but missed verifying it via email, so now I can't log in. Only got one email for resetting the password. Can you help fix this on our live system? Thanks, Bhupendra
How to display merchant portal on yves?
Hello everyone, I want to display merchant portal url http://mp.de.spryker.local/ on yves in controller $merchantPortalHost = Config::get(MerchantPortalConstants::BASE_URL_MP); output is "http://" please help me.
How to Setup SSO in Yves for Customer login in b2b marketplace.
I want to setup SSO Login or Third party login for Yves for login my customer with third party like Okta. I want to integrate Login with okta in my yves for customer. So is there any module present for Oauth for yves like in backoffice we have a module for third party login. So how can i integrate in yves for Okta SSO…
How can i write a seprate js or ts in Yves module and use them as assets anywhere in application.
I want to write client side js ts file in yves apart from component js and use them in any view file.
Login prevention
Hello Team, I am looking for a way to prevent non-logged-in customers from accessing my Spryker shop. I want to know where the first script runs or where the session check occurs so that I can set up login prevention without adding logic to each controller. Is there an entry point where I can implement this?