How to display merchant portal on yves?
Hello everyone,
I want to display merchant portal url on yves in controller
$merchantPortalHost = Config::get(MerchantPortalConstants::BASE_URL_MP);
output is "http://"
please help me.
Hi, @pratiksha.lihinar !
The Merchant Portal URL is built from the environment variable
.Since Merchant Portal URL is pure Back Office specific, we do not provide by default this value to the Yves container, thus the output you see is the correct one.
I can help you achieve desired result:
Locally, you have to update the config_default.php where there's a call to getenv('SPRYKER_MP_HOST'), and replace it with (getenv('SPRYKER_MP_HOST') ?: sprinf('mp.%s.spryker.local', strtolower(APPLICATION_STORE))).
In the Spryker PaaS+, you have to create a support ticket and ask to add this variable into the Yves container as well.
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Thanks for replying!
updating config_default.php file and run
docker/sdk bootstrap command then docker/sdk up but facing some issues can you please help me
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the function is
, not sprinf0
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