Deploy multiple regions to the same AWS account
Hi! Is it possible to deploy multiple "regions" (defined in the same deploy file) to the same AWS account? I am wondering about this, because you can do that for your local development environment, but does not mention this option. Is this be possible with the Dynamic Multi-store feature, or do we have to use separate AWS…
Getting error during NORMAL pipeline deployment on AWS Server (Codepipeline)
Hello Team, I'm getting this type of error during Build_and_prepare section on AWS codebuild stage so here's the logs for this : #*2 **8.9#*2 8.9 Section build-static-elopment#*2 8.9#2 8.9 #*2 8.9 Command yves-build-frontend [vendor/bin/console frontend:yves:build] #2 8.9…
Spryker installation is failing at Section build-static stage / dashboard
I tried to install Spryker b2b on my system. I reset the local using docker/sdk reset and tried to do fresh setup with new b2b-demo-shop code. My installation is getting failed. I have attached screenshot. Maybe Spryker docker build is getting failed. I tried in multiple devices and getting the same error.
main domain over multiple AWS instances (regions) and Geo DNS
Hi! Does anybody has experience with following requirements: shop.customer.com/country1/language1 → points to store in AWS region in Australia for example shop.customer.com/country2/language1 → points to store in AWS region US-east shop.customer.com/country3/language1 → points to store in AWS region US-east as well…
Using AWS environment variable for secret for basic auth defined in deploy.staging.yml
I am using deploy.staging.yml x-frontend-auth: &frontend-auth <<: *real-ip auth: engine: basic users: - username: cloud password: cloud And I want to pass password but defined in AWS environment variables so it is not pushed to git. Is there a way how can I do it? I tried by using ${SOME_ENV_VARIABLE} but it didn't work.
Deploy Template imports
Hey all, two quick questions What are your opinions on this deploy file inheritance? Is it possible to import one deploy.yml file into another deploy.stage.yml file when both are on PROJECT ROOT (not in config/deploy-templates) For Context — TL/DR: I started to clean up my deploy files according to this documentation about…
Moving to SymfonyMailer
After I moved from current Mailer to SymfonyMailer for mail sending, I've occured a problem with AWS parameters on staging and prod. Locally with mailcatcher it works as supposed, but when I deploy it to STAGE and try I get this: ``` Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportException - Connection could not be…