Getting JUnit report out of CI images
Hi, by default the CI image deploy.ymls use docker:mount:baked, so the generated test reports are not exposed to the CI host. Is there some clever way to get the test reports out as an artifact? Note: this is mostly for Gitlab using the Docker-in-Docker setup described here…
improvement on Acceptance Tests
Hello Spryker community,I'm working on acceptance tests for a Spryker project and I'm looking for ways to optimize the test setup and iteration process. Currently, we need to run the following commands before each test run: docker/sdk boot deploy.ci.acceptance.mariadb.yml -v && docker/sdk up -t -v && docker/sdk testing…
The acceptance test in the demo-b2b-marketplace are all failing due to chrome driver issues
I was running the acceptance tests using this command `docker/sdk testing codecept run -c codeception.acceptance.yml` I have been receiving errors and failures in the tests. Some gets timed out and some gets errors. I tried to deep dive into it and find out that the '$tester->grabPageSource()' always returns…
How I can write unit test codes for spryker?
Hi, Jitesh Sinha from AnnexCloud Working on Spryker B2C project extension under the AnnexCloud Loyalty platform. To pass the certification process, I need to write the mock tests and unit tests codes. I have gone though the spryker docs, but I am confused. Is there any hands-on where I can get proper exposure or any…