How to Resolve "413 Request Entity Too Large" Error in Spryker Yves Custom Form for File Uploads?
I have created a custom form with enctype="multipart/form-data" in the Spryker Yves layer to upload and save files using an input of type file. The files are saved to an AWS S3 bucket. When uploading files of 500 KB each in both inputs, the upload works correctly. However, attempting to upload files totaling 1 MB together…
Clarification about creating a new mapping
Hey We already have a mapping(for products -OOTB) from sku→id_product_concrete/id_product_abstract and if we want to have one more mapping for product name→id_product_concrete/id_product_abstract, How can this be achieved without overriding the product storage module class,creating a new parameter mapping like…
Jenkins plugins
Hi, quick question: do Jenkins plugins (that I manually enable in the GUI) persist between deployments, or is the instance recreated every time? Of course I could just, you know, try and see, but I don't wanna right now :)
notification icon on order in navigation merchant portal
How can we implement notification for navigation in merchant portal. We have a scenario. Let say 5 new order is created so we want to show 5 in order tab in navigation. Please suggest.
A voucher code used by multiple user but each customer uses the code once.
Is it possible to have one discount code used by multiple customers say 10, but each customer uses the code once? I have checked the Spryker documentation as well as Backoffice discount. I did not find any relevant setting for that. We are using b2b marketplace.
Can an email able to access merchant portal and backoffice both?
Can an email able to access merchant portal and backoffice both. If yes, then how? We have found that we are unable to have BackOffice and Merchant Portal access simultaneously. If we combine the ROOT GROUP permissions with MP groups, we are unable to login.
Spryker custom discount to consume earned loyalty points
Hello Team, I am working on a loyalty project where each customer earn the loyalty points after each successful order completion. Now I have to create the custom discount module which have the functionality to get the points from customer on cart or checkout process and reduce the cart price by customer points entered by…
Spryker Product Release - Spring 2024 🌼
Hi CQ crew, today is a special day at Spryker - it's time for our spring product release. 🎊 It includes a diverse range of essential features and improvements designed to drive efficiency for businesses striving to achieve peak performance. 💥 Read along or check it out for yourself 👇🏻 Official Page Release Notes on Spryker…
main domain over multiple AWS instances (regions) and Geo DNS
Hi! Does anybody has experience with following requirements: shop.customer.com/country1/language1 → points to store in AWS region in Australia for example shop.customer.com/country2/language1 → points to store in AWS region US-east shop.customer.com/country3/language1 → points to store in AWS region US-east as well…
Need Help with Payment System in Spryker Project
Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing good. I am working on a project with Spryker and need to add a payment system to it. I checked Spryker's guide and saw they have some payment partners like Payone, Unzer, and Braintree. But, to test them, we need to talk to their sales team for some special access. I tried adding…