notification icon on order in navigation merchant portal
How can we implement notification for navigation in merchant portal.
We have a scenario. Let say 5 new order is created so we want to show 5 in order tab in navigation.
Please suggest.
Hi @sushant.kumar ,
It's not possible OOTB. You need to customize the navigation using Angular components to achieve the same in Merchant Portal
Thanks0 -
Hi Team,
I found this line in vendor/spryker/zed-ui/src/Spryker/Zed/ZedUi/Presentation/Components/app/layout-main/layout-main.component.html
<spy-navigation [items]="navigationConfig" [collapsed]="isCollapsed"></spy-navigation>
and after that i can not find the way from where it is converting it into navigation.
There is one more thing i found that in path node_modules/@spryker/navigation/lib/navigation/navigation.d.ts
I got these lines :-
export interface NavigationComponentMethods {
collapse(): void;
expand(): void;
toggle(): boolean;
isCollapsed(): boolean;
export interface NavigationItem {
title: string;
url?: string;
icon?: string;
isActive?: boolean;
isDisabled?: boolean;
subItems?: NavigationItem[];
}Is there anyone who did this type of customization. Please suggest.
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