Docker Desktop + Mac -> Mailware detected
Heyhey, i noticed that we have people affected by a malware warning when using docker desktop on a mac. If you are also curious and/or struggling about that, please have a look here: https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/7520…
Anyone having issues pulling docker images today?
I'm trying to 'reset' my environment, and I'm getting issues pulling images, before the screenshot I couldn't pull rabbitmq, or some others
How can i install the ACP framework on Ubuntu VM(external server)?
Hello everyone, Recently i got a ubuntu 22.04 VM on a external server and i have to install the ACP framework on it. Unfortunately, the ports 80, 443 and 3000 are already used and i have to use others for the ACP docker containers. I changed the host ports for the Nginx container in the…
Error in build step during aws codepipeline deployment
hi team i was setting up my codebase in aws and i am facing this error [Container] 2024/01/25 10:37:59.736086 Phase context status code: COMMAND_EXECUTION_ERROR Message: Error while executing command: docker login -u ${DOCKERHUB_USERNAME} -p ${DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD} || true
Issue with docker on Mac when you want to use images with hash
There is a know issue () that docker build fails to find a local image that was built using a hash. For example if you define spryker/php:8.1-alpine3.17@sha256:6c881a6022ed15b52ebeb8fa5391968dfd8c90ad671663797a189bf86da7ab92 as an image in your deploy.yml docker/sdk up will fail with an error about permissions. Solution to…
always the container "spryker_b2b_dev_webdriver_1" was stopped
After the "docker/sdk up" command, always the container "spryker_b2b_dev_webdriver_1" was stopped. Even after the "docker/sdk restart" also will not start. Then I need to start it separately by manually either through docker-desktop or via command.Following info may useful to help me. Docker version: v4.22.1 laptop:…
Issue with docker/sdk up
Hi All, Today I faced a problem while doing docker/sdk up after docker/sdk clean which was not there before. Btw, this is latest b2c marketplace. Any => ERROR [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:18-alpine 6.1s => CANCELED [internal] load metadata for docker.io/spryker/php:8.1 6.1s [internal] load metadata…
Docker stuck on command dependencies?
Hi Team , When I'm trying to run sudo docker/sdk up it's stuck on process Command dependencies-install [vendor/bin/console frontend:project:install-dependencies] (In progress...) and get timeout after 600 seconds , moreover when I'm trying to reset with sudo docker/sdk boot reset it shows "File "reset" is not accessible."…
Docker/sdk transfer exist Error
can't build docker/sdk up while the transfer exist Error - Exception: Class 'Generated\Shared\Transfer\MonitoringTransactionEventTransfer' not found
Outdated Blackfire PHP probe?
Hello @ Spryker's docker/sdk team 👋 It looks like the version of the Blackfire PHP probe is outdated in some spryker/php..._-_images. In a project which uses spryker/php:8.0-alpine3.16 I get the following message in Blackfire's profileview. Looks like the old version is vulnerable to DoS attacks: