Docker stuck on command dependencies?
Hi Team ,
When I'm trying to run sudo docker/sdk up
it's stuck on process Command dependencies-install [vendor/bin/console frontend:project:install-dependencies] (In progress...)
and get timeout after 600 seconds , moreover when I'm trying to reset with sudo docker/sdk boot reset
it shows "File "reset" is not accessible." . Any workaround to fix this would be appreciable .
- You shouldn't use
. If it's necessary, something is wrong with your local setup. - There is no command like
docker/sdk boot reset
0 - You shouldn't use
It was working fine till yesterday since so many days , but eventually it stopped and steps I tried :
- Docker down/up - stuck at dependencies install.
- Apache2 restart - same
- system restart - same
- with or without sudo - same
Is there any way that I can reset my installation and get rid of this problem ?
0 -
I'm using the hard way in case of any local issues:
docker system prune -a && docker system prune --volumes
and thendocker/sdk up
Be careful in case you have other docker images and\or volumes, not related to Spryker.0 -
as a hard way i'd recommend to recreate a project folder. this way you can avoid problems caused by files you might forget to clean up (./node_modules ./vendor propel generated stuff etc)
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