Merchant Portal Performance Improvements
Hello everyone, We recently released important Merchant Portal improvements designed to significantly enhance page loading performance 🚀: Split Backoffice and Merchant Portal navigation (Split navigation significantly enhances performance for both Backoffice and Merchant Portal): Additional performance optimizations by…
Interface "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\AuthenticationProviderInterface"
Hi everyone, I'm facing an issue with the Spryker Merchant Portal. When I try to open the portal, I encounter the following error: Interface "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\AuthenticationProviderInterface" not found I am getting this error after upgrading my code while opening merchant portal.
how to show all product in merchant portal product section which are not related to loggedin merchan
In merchant portal we shows product list for edit which is related to merchant only , i want to show all the product which is assigned to that merchant or not , how can i show all product, i tried to remove idMerchant filter but it gives the result same there is not any chnages in that. I saw that it works based on login…
How to create a navigation only in merchant portal which not reflect in backoffice ?
Hello All I am creating a navigation into merchant portal as per documentation crating new navigation in config/zed/navigation.xml in that way : But the navigation shown into merchant portal and backoffice both. I only want to show only in merchant portal.
how can create new custom module in merchant portal also add navigation in this ?
Hello Team Hope this message finds you well, Currently i am working on an issue in merchant portal i want to create a new module in merchant portal and add navigation for in merchant portal for custom development . I created a module and follow documentation for creating module in merchant portal also add one navigation in…
Merchant Portal - rendering table in drawer view
Is it possible to render a merchant portal table inside the drawer of particular entry ? So for example we have a main table. User clicks one of the entries and the drawer opens up. In that drawer there is a form and additonally another table (paginatable, sortable … but does not have drawer action of its own). If that is…
How can give permission to route to access it without login in merchant portal.
I have one custom route which i want to acess it in merchant portal without login in merchant portal , like we are using login and login_check route . How can i do that.
How can i setup SSO for merchant portal for Okta Integration .
I want to integrate Okta SSO for merchant portal login we have OAuth User module for backoffice name SecurityOauthUser for using SSO login , but if i want the same for merchant portal login so how can i do that . Is there any build in module availabel or i have to create custom for that , i created same module with some…
How login_check works for backoffice and merchant portal.
I want to know the login flow works for backoffice and merchant portal , is for both login same endpoint hit or same stategy follows for login backoffice or merchant portal. how login_check works for backoffice and merchant portal i want to do some customzation while login_check so how can do.
How to display merchant portal on yves?
Hello everyone, I want to display merchant portal url http://mp.de.spryker.local/ on yves in controller $merchantPortalHost = Config::get(MerchantPortalConstants::BASE_URL_MP); output is "http://" please help me.
How to access the data for Custom created table in merchant portal gui module.
I have created a custom database table in TestArticle Module → PyzTestArticle now i want to fetch data for that table in Merchant portal Gui module i have setup all the things using facade dependency but always i get 0 data row from that table not able to acess the data for that table . what ACL entity or ACL metrchant…