How to create a navigation only in merchant portal which not reflect in backoffice ?
Hello All I am creating a navigation into merchant portal as per documentation crating new navigation in config/zed/navigation.xml in that way : But the navigation shown into merchant portal and backoffice both. I only want to show only in merchant portal.
how can create new custom module in merchant portal also add navigation in this ?
Hello Team Hope this message finds you well, Currently i am working on an issue in merchant portal i want to create a new module in merchant portal and add navigation for in merchant portal for custom development . I created a module and follow documentation for creating module in merchant portal also add one navigation in…
Merchant Portal - rendering table in drawer view
Is it possible to render a merchant portal table inside the drawer of particular entry ? So for example we have a main table. User clicks one of the entries and the drawer opens up. In that drawer there is a form and additonally another table (paginatable, sortable … but does not have drawer action of its own). If that is…
How can give permission to route to access it without login in merchant portal.
I have one custom route which i want to acess it in merchant portal without login in merchant portal , like we are using login and login_check route . How can i do that.
How can i setup SSO for merchant portal for Okta Integration .
I want to integrate Okta SSO for merchant portal login we have OAuth User module for backoffice name SecurityOauthUser for using SSO login , but if i want the same for merchant portal login so how can i do that . Is there any build in module availabel or i have to create custom for that , i created same module with some…
How login_check works for backoffice and merchant portal.
I want to know the login flow works for backoffice and merchant portal , is for both login same endpoint hit or same stategy follows for login backoffice or merchant portal. how login_check works for backoffice and merchant portal i want to do some customzation while login_check so how can do.
How to display merchant portal on yves?
Hello everyone, I want to display merchant portal url http://mp.de.spryker.local/ on yves in controller $merchantPortalHost = Config::get(MerchantPortalConstants::BASE_URL_MP); output is "http://" please help me.
How to access the data for Custom created table in merchant portal gui module.
I have created a custom database table in TestArticle Module → PyzTestArticle now i want to fetch data for that table in Merchant portal Gui module i have setup all the things using facade dependency but always i get 0 data row from that table not able to acess the data for that table . what ACL entity or ACL metrchant…
Merchant portal console JavaScript error
Hello, I have the following error in console after security updates. Error: LocaleService: Cannot switch to unknown locale <pt> Before login or after login.
How to configure merchant portal base url?
I am encountering a 404 error when attempting to access the merchant portal's base URL like https://mp.de.b2b-marketplace.demo-spryker.com/ Can you tell me how to redirect the page to security-merchant-portal-gui/login (when the merchant is not logged in) and dashboard-merchant-portal-gui/dashboard (if the merchant is…