How to create a navigation only in merchant portal which not reflect in backoffice ?

aashutosh.namdeo Posts: 39 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Hello All

I am creating a navigation into merchant portal as per documentation crating new navigation in config/zed/navigation.xml in that way :

But the navigation shown into merchant portal and backoffice both. I only want to show only in merchant portal.



  • mjung
    mjung Head of Academy Posts: 3 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Do you have the BackofficeNavigationItemCollectionFilterPlugin registered in ZedNavigation?

    This should take care of it.

  • aashutosh.namdeo
    aashutosh.namdeo Posts: 39 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Yes It is registered .

  • Hidran Arias
    Hidran Arias Senior Technical Trainer Sprykee Posts: 91 🏛 - Council (mod)

    You have to go the backoffice, Roles.

    Then select root role, edit and add your module with the disabled option. That way it won´t appear in the normal Backoffice.
    You can also do it by going to Zed/Acl/AclConfig and adding your bundle to the installer rules in $bundleNames.
    Then run console setup:init-db

    You can find a video tutorial on the course Merchant Frontend on Spryker Safary. Lesson ¨Creating a New Page¨