Data Import from s3 bucket is not working
We've configured data import from s3 bucket, we're following this links to prepared configuration to import from s3 bucket (https://docs.spryker.com/docs/ca/dev/configure-data-import-from-an-s3-bucket.html#configure-the-s3-bucket-filesystem). our yml configuration is like below - data_entity: combined-product-abstract…
Getting Error - Exception: Call to a member function getIdProductAbstract() on null in
I am trying to import combined product csv file but when I run import I ma getting error Error - Exception: Call to a member function getIdProductAbstract() on null in /data/src/Pyz/Zed/DataImport/Business/Model/ProductAbstractStore/Writer/ProductAbstractStorePropelDataSetWriter.php (69) Below Is the configuration of…
I am getting exception while trying to get product with this API http://glue-backend.de.spryker.loca
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\QueryExecutor\QueryExecutionException - Unable to execute statement [SELECT spy_product_abstract.id_product_abstract, spy_product_abstract.fk_tax_set, spy_product_abstract.approval_status, spy_product_abstract.attributes, spy_product_abstract.color_code, spy_product_abstract.new_from,…
How to add approval status and activation in combined data import
I am trying to import product with combined file and I've add prodcut_abstract.approval_status to approved column in csv file but it is not taking any effect on product. So how can we add approval and activation column in combined csv file
Adding locale
Hey I want add a new locale to our shops. I can add the locale to the import file but should I add it also somewhere in the code?
Unable to add attributes in New or Existing Products
Hi Everyone, Our current framework is B2C-DEMO-MARKETPLACE boilerplate. We have utilized two files for importing product attributes: a. product_attribute_keyb. product_management_attribute I have attached both files to this message. we are getting an error message when assigning these attributes to products. " Attribute…