Getting Error - Exception: Call to a member function getIdProductAbstract() on null in

mk00559179 Posts: 18 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

I am trying to import combined product csv file but when I run import I ma getting error

Error - Exception: Call to a member function getIdProductAbstract() on null
in /data/src/Pyz/Zed/DataImport/Business/Model/ProductAbstractStore/Writer/ProductAbstractStorePropelDataSetWriter.php (69)

Below Is the configuration of import

version: 0actions:    - data_entity: combined-product-abstract      source: data/import/common/common/local/combined_product_local.csv    - data_entity: combined-product-abstract-store      source: data/import/common/common/local/combined_product_local.csv    - data_entity: combined-product-concrete      source: data/import/common/common/local/combined_product_local.csv    - data_entity: combined-product-image      source: data/import/common/common/local/combined_product_local.csv    - data_entity: combined-product-price      source: data/import/common/common/local/combined_product_local.csv    - data_entity: combined-product-stock      source: data/import/common/common/local/combined_product_local.csv    - data_entity: product-approval-status      source: data/import/common/common/local/product_approval_status.csv

This is how I've configured sku



  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

    Heyhey @mk00559179 ,

    if you look at the code line from the exception you will find the following:


    As you see - the problem is that there is nproduct-abstract with that SKU yet at that stage. This is where you need to start looking and solve the problem first.

    Hope this guides you into the right direction.

    All the best,
