I am getting exception while trying to get product with this API http://glue-backend.de.spryker.loca

Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\QueryExecutor\QueryExecutionException - Unable to execute statement [SELECT spy_product_abstract.id_product_abstract, spy_product_abstract.fk_tax_set, spy_product_abstract.approval_status, spy_product_abstract.attributes, spy_product_abstract.color_code, spy_product_abstract.new_from, spy_product_abstract.new_to, spy_product_abstract.sku, spy_product_abstract.created_at, spy_product_abstract.updated_at FROM spy_product_abstract WHERE spy_product_abstract.id_product_abstract=:p1 AND spy_product_abstract.fk_tax_set=:p2 AND spy_product_abstract.approval_status=:p3 AND spy_product_abstract.attributes=:p4 AND spy_product_abstract.new_from=:p5 AND spy_product_abstract.new_to=:p6 AND spy_product_abstract.sku=:p7 AND spy_product_abstract.color_code=:p8 LIMIT 1000]
I am using API Key for authentication pupose and I am passing api_key in request params
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @mk00559179 ,
sadly we can not really help you without further information. Your post just states that you call some Spryker Glue Backend API endpoint (the endpoint was properly to long for the post title) and that there was this exception.
So we dont know the endpoint and the parameters right now.
In the end the exception tells that it has a problem building that query which should be send to the database later on. likely through falsy parameters and missing validation.
All the best,
0 -
We used this API
With Filter parameter it is giving exception but if i remove filter params then authorization is working fine
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