How to add approval status and activation in combined data import
I am trying to import product with combined file and I've add prodcut_abstract.approval_status to approved column in csv file but it is not taking any effect on product.
So how can we add approval and activation column in combined csv file
We're quite strict on the fields that are allowed to be important in order to keep control of the updates applied to the DB.
To include approval status, please add corresponding assignment into this function, overridden in the class CombinedProductAbstractHydratorStep: \Pyz\Zed\DataImport\Business\Model\ProductAbstract\ProductAbstractHydratorStep::importProductAbstract
protected function importProductAbstract(DataSetInterface $dataSet): void { parent::importProductAbstract($dataSet); $dataSet[static::DATA_PRODUCT_ABSTRACT_TRANSFER]->setApprovalStatus($dataSet['product_abstract.approval_status']); }
p.s. you also have to chabge the column name to `product_abstract.approval_status`
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@profuel , thanks for the quick response, will check
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