Data Import from s3 bucket is not working
We've configured data import from s3 bucket, we're following this links to prepared configuration to import from s3 bucket (
our yml configuration is like below
- data_entity: combined-product-abstract source: data/import/common/common/product/catalog_product_combined_import.csv file_system: s3-import
But data import command still searching file in the local file system
are the line breaks on the
missing or is it just a copy/paste problem?And, can you show the
file system configuration and maybe make sure it's not being overriden?
What about src/Pyz/Zed/DataImport/DataImportConfig.php did you enable properly as per the doc?0 -
Yes All is working fine for now, Have to upgrade data-import module to Version 1.25.Problem we're facing is product approval stand and product qty restriction import from s3 is not working now
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