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Hello together, i am trying to install the Spryker b2b demo shop now for the second time and encount

U0432RV4J8P Posts: 12 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Hello together, i am trying to install the Spryker b2b demo shop now for the second time and encounter some strange errors i didn´t met the first time.
Now when i want to bootstrap with deploy.dev.yml the application i get the messge: 'docker-sync' is not found. Please, make sure this application is installed and added to PATH.
I am on Win10 system with wsl2 ubuntu? Does someone else has some advice for me?


  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

    Hi, can you try to use the previous docker-sdk version? So please try this one and try again: https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk/releases/tag/1.49.4

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

    alternative you could remove the mount-mode docker-sync from your deploy.dev.yml i think

  • U0432RV4J8P
    U0432RV4J8P Posts: 12 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    i will try the 1.49.4 branch of the sdk.

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

    My guess is that the latest change will now discover the host OS properly but this will also result in choosing the docker-sync mount mode which seems not be supported for WSL2: https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk/blob/1fbbe74435220ebc31837714b32d5eb375bbf74c/docs/02-development/01-choosing-a-mount-mode.md

  • U0432RV4J8P
    U0432RV4J8P Posts: 12 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    @florian.scholz Perfect solution switching back to 1.49.4 branch of the SDK. Now everything works again as expected. Thanks for te fast reply. So if i am planning to use the latest docker-sdk i have to configure the mount-mode for windows properly? What would be the neccessary changes in the mount-mode entries in the deploy.dev.yml file? Just deleting the docker-sync entry for windows and adding windows into the mount native?

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

    Yes exactly - The latest commit to docker-sdk should fix the proper OS detection. But it seems it was not on the radar that the default-mount mode for windows was still set to docker-sync which is just working for WSL1 - we mitigate internal now how we tackle the “getting started” blocker

  • U0432RV4J8P
    U0432RV4J8P Posts: 12 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Ok, for now it is running again. 👍 I will try to test changing the mount mode for windows with the latest sdk. Is there a way to recognize if wsl1 or wsl2 is enabled?

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

    We reverted the commit to double check possible other side-effects by the bugfix again

    As far as I know docker-sdk is not differentiating between wsl1 and wsl2 by itself yet

  • U0432RV4J8P
    U0432RV4J8P Posts: 12 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Ok, https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/the-docker-sdk/202204.0/choosing-a-mount-mode.html#selecting-a-mount-mode-for-development explains it well, which mount-mode to choose. So you just have to configure your deploy yaml depending on your system. Maybe this should find its way into the quickstart and general setup documentation for other users running into this issue.

  • fsmeier
    fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
    edited October 2022

    But ideally the “quick-start” lets you start without adjusting configs 😛 (at least my idea) - i guess mid-term we just remove the mount mode for windows from the deploy files since there should be noone on wsl1; and if - the person can still add it manually then. Important is an easy entry point to the dev environment with less steps as possible

  • U0432RV4J8P
    U0432RV4J8P Posts: 12 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Yes, there are you right, quick start without adjusting configs... makes sense... 🙂