> New blog post ☕ 🏗
Fantastic experience talking about last week in front of +100
Fantastic experience talking about Phel Language last week in front of +100 hackers in the Berlin & Hack Tell, March 2023 edition! I even got the full video of my 5 min talk: https://youtu.be/ZQTann9ItH8
Anyone here who can help me with Glue API?
Anyone here who can help me with Glue API?
I just listened to this “podcast” while commuting and in the gym this morning. Highly recommend it.
I just listened to this “podcast” while commuting and in the gym this morning. Highly recommend it. They talk about agile, the origin of testing, test-driven development, waterfall, and many more exciting topics 🧠 https://youtu.be/guycIP56YeY
> *New* blog post ☕️💡
Can any please guide and help to learn twig and yves basically frontend actually i am new to this
Hi Can any please guide and help to learn twig and yves basically frontend actually i am new to this thing am only know basic php
I highly recommend this talk (1h) about *TDD Anti-patterns:*
I highly recommend this talk (1h) about TDD Anti-patterns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzkuDJ6ef44 Some quotes: • TDD is not just about “red-green-refactor” but “THINK first what you want to test, and then red-green-refactor.” And that’s precisely the most challenging step when practicing test-driven, especially for…
`spryker/agent-gui 1.1.0` is not compatible with `symfony/security-core 6.0.0` because symfony re
spryker/agent-gui 1.1.0 is not compatible with symfony/security-core 6.0.0 because symfony renamed loadUserByUsername to loadUserByIdentifier . So if you use that spryker feature you can't update to symfony 6
Really funny and interesting functions here! 💡
Really funny and interesting functions here! 💡 https://stitcher.io/blog/my-10-favourite-php-functions
@U035GSLDLVD, are you there?
@U035GSLDLVD, are you there?
🧠 *TIL:* you can ignore the case-sensitive in your auto completion _terminal files/folders_ if
🧠 TIL: you can ignore the case-sensitive in your auto completion terminal files/folders if you add this in your ~/.inputrc set completion-ignore-case On
If you are in *Berlin* next *8th Feb*, I will be talking about
If you are in Berlin next 8th Feb, I will be talking about Phel-Lang in the Symfony User Group 👉🏼 https://www.meetup.com/sfugberlin/events/290735168/ And… Nicolas Grekas, Symfony core developer and creator of many cool Symfony components and features, is coming to Berlin to speak about other PHP topics as well. You are…
My last *blog post* for 2022:
I woul
My last blog post for 2022: https://chemaclass.com/blog/ignoring-scrum-to-get-more-agile/ I would love to know your thoughts about it 🧠
I once had a link to a list of spryker features, but I can't seem to find it anymore.
Can somebody h
I once had a link to a list of spryker features, but I can't seem to find it anymore. Can somebody help?
Can you share with me why Spryker choose Propel instead of Doctrine?
Hey guys, Can you share with me why Spryker choose Propel instead of Doctrine?
🧠 We can use *underscore* to help readability on large numbers *since PHP 7.4*, eg: `12_000_00
🧠 We can use underscore to help readability on large numbers since PHP 7.4, eg: 12_000_000_000 https://stitcher.io/blog/new-in-php-74#numeric-literal-separator-rfc What do you think? Have you already use it?
I wrote a blog post about “misunderstandings, effective communication, and self-reflection” related
I wrote a blog post about “misunderstandings, effective communication, and self-reflection” related to one of the most complex topics that we all need to deal with from time to time: understanding people: https://chemaclass.com/blog/understanding-people/ I would love to know your thoughts about it. Cheers! 🍻
Great (8 min) video about the problem with null in PHP and possible solutions; but most importantly,
Great (8 min) video about the problem with null in PHP and possible solutions; but most importantly, thinking about this topic and considering how can we deal with these situations in the present and future. https://youtu.be/e0tstsbD4Ro
8 years ago, Marco Pivetta (Ocramius) already wrote about final classes; Oldy but Goldy 👌:sk
8 years ago, Marco Pivetta (Ocramius) already wrote about final classes; Oldy but Goldy 👌🏼 https://ocramius.github.io/blog/when-to-declare-classes-final/
A great blogpost about *How do I get better at writing?* By James Stanier, current Director of Engin
A great blogpost about How do I get better at writing? By James Stanier, current Director of Engineering at Shopify, and author of Become an Effective Software Engineering Manager & Effective Remote Work. https://theengineeringmanager.substack.com/p/how-do-i-get-better-at-writing TL;DR: In this post he mention some reasons…
Hey guys,
Whats the command for "console data:import" if I want verbose logging enabled?
Hey guys, Whats the command for "console data:import" if I want verbose logging enabled?
This page is awesome, and really helpful! 😆
> “_Git is hard: s
This page is awesome, and really helpful! 😆 https://ohshitgit.com/
Do you usually *estimate* or talk about your tasks during some planning or refinement meeting before
Do you usually estimate or talk about your tasks during some planning or refinement meeting before starting with them? Well, I think you might like the learnings from this video: https://youtu.be/K6PqofeqoCc
GitHub’s markdown now supports “*Note*” and “*Warning*” block-quote annotations! 🥳
GitHub’s markdown now supports “Note” and “Warning” block-quote annotations! 🥳
Last week during the , one
Last week during the IPC22 Berlin, one guy asked me a really interesting question: “I am already 6 years as a developer, could you recommend to me what language should I learn to *become a Senior Engineer*, maybe focus on learning DevOps? Maybe improve my FE skills?” I gave him an answer which I consider somehow really…
I read this and I wanted immediately to share it:
I read this and I wanted immediately to share it: What do you think?
If you like to use git commands, you might like to have these in your default config:
```git config
If you like to use git commands, you might like to have these in your default config: git config --global push.default currentgit config --global pull.rebase truegit config --global fetch.prune truegit config --global diff.colorMoved zebra More details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42699760/3454593 &…
In case you missed it, we added new features to the Spryker PhpStorm plugin "PYZ". Apart from
Hello! In case you missed it, we added new features to the Spryker PhpStorm plugin "PYZ". Apart from extending Spryker core classes with one click and navigation from zed stubs to gateway controllers (and vice versa) you can now: • Right click and view on GitHub: the plugin will try to parse your composer.lock file and…