Spryker Commerce Framework DI Magic
After many requests to add more magic to Spryker framework, our architects found a graceful way to enable magic DI. The new approach enables you to get a business models skipping Factory and Dependency provider functions! We currently consider 3x DI (dependency injection) containers, popular in PHP community: PHP-DI…
Spryker Core Module Redefined
From the 2nd version of Spryker Commerce Framework, the commerce products (B2B, B2C, B2B MP, B2C MP, Unified Commerce) based on the framework had high level of module granularity. You can find modules like Category, CategoryStorage, CategoryPageSearch, CategoryDataImport, CategoryDataExport, CatalogPage etc. This was a…
How you deal with test coverage in your project. E2E, functional, unit, so on.
Hello dear community! Let's have some test automation related discussion to share your best practices. As everyone knows that every feature should be tested. In Spryker we follow concepts of TDD To balance between full test coverage and development speed I usually prefer to fit implementation process with agile testing…
Monitoring Backend and Storefront Glue
Hi, is New Relic monitoring not possible for backend and storefront Glues or do I have something misconfigured? From my code digging it looks like the monitoring functionality is tied to the event dispatcher, and seems that in \Spryker\Glue\GlueApplication\ApiApplication\ApiApplicationProxy::run if the application is…
PHPStan findings - missing capabilities for autocompletion / generation?
We have the behaviour, that phpstan is complaining about missing methods for the autogenerated locator file: Call to an undefined method Generated\Client\Ide\AutoCompletion&Spryker\Shared\Kernel\LocatorLocatorInterface::niceFeature() while we wanna access it with $container->getLocator()->niceFeature()->client(); I dug a…
Bug in Company Page company user creation? ( Security release 202412.0)
Hi, I come here because I tried to apply Security release 202412.0 to our project. As it turns out, when I enable the 2.30.0 spryker-shop/company-page version module (as per the doc Our customers are then unable to create company users in their company. I believe this is because the…
is documentation for oms reservations up to date? How to sync reservations across stores in DMS?
Hi all :) When setting up our store, we tried to use the storesWithSharedPersistence setting, which never worked for us. This setting is described at…
Getting error while visit any category page : Unknown "generatePath" function.
/vendor/spryker-shop/catalog-page/src/SprykerShop/Yves/CatalogPage/Theme/default/templates/page-layout-catalog/page-layout-catalog.twig45 {% include molecule('breadcrumb-step') with { data: { url: functionExists('generatePath') ? generatePath(categoryUrl) : categoryUrl, label: categoryLabel, withChevron: not isLastLeaf } }…
I am trying to Create standalone modules - bug
This command is not working vendor/bin/spryker-dev-console dev:module:create your-company-name.product-category get error vendor/bin/spryker-dev-console: No such file or directory I created module under vendor using this command vendor/bin/spryk-run AddModuleDefault --mode=core --module=ProductCategory --application=Zed…
Clarification on Parent data hierarchy in "spy_category_node_storage"
Hello everyone! I have a question about the expected behaviour of the "spy_category_node_storage" table regarding parent hierarchy data. For example if I have: Category ID 1 (parent of Category ID 2) Category ID 2 (parent of Category ID 3) After running publish & sync, the "data" column in "spy_category_node_storage"…
Regarding logout an user using email of customer
I have a scenario to log out a user from the front end. If a company admin user is changing the access of another user from admin to buyer, another user should log in again with instant reflection of the role. Please suggest how I can implement this.
Issue Logging API Response from State Machine to CloudWatch
Hello Team, We have several APIs integrated and are using Spryker\Shared\Log\LoggerTrait to log request and response payloads to AWS CloudWatch. While logging works as expected for Yves and Backgw with the same configuration, we are unable to see the logs for the state machine. For example, we are using the following code…
Getting Error while Running ProductDiscontinued Job.
Hello Team , I am using only US store and other store removed. When i am running product discontinued job geeting error : setup missing for DE store. Error : Exception - Exception: Missing setup for store: DE in /data/vendor/spryker/kernel/src/Spryker/Shared/Kernel/Store.php (207) Command: vendor/bin/console…
Class "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\DaoAuthenticationProvider" not found
Hi Everyone After upgradding my code using code buddy when i am opening yves portal i am gettin a error like : Class "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\DaoAuthenticationProvider" not found Please suggeat me !
Keycloak as an IDP in Stryker
Hi, are there any instructions on how to connect Keycloak as an IDP? At the moment we have a connection but I think that is too over engineered. The second problem is... a change in the spryker/security package to version 1.8 Thanks in advance.
OpenTelemetry collector
Hello again! I've been following the development of the OpenTelemetry integration and first of all: good job, looking good! The default exporter endpoint is http://collector:4317, which is obviously semi-trivial to set up in a local container. What I'm wondering is, is there already a collector available in the Spryker…
Interface "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\AuthenticationProviderInterface"
Hi everyone, I'm facing an issue with the Spryker Merchant Portal. When I try to open the portal, I encounter the following error: Interface "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\AuthenticationProviderInterface" not found I am getting this error after upgrading my code while opening merchant portal.
Issue with Evaluator and Upgrader Pipelines
Hi Team, I’m currently using the Upgrader tool and have run pipelines for both Evaluator and Upgrader. However, I’m encountering an error during the process. Has anyone faced a similar issue or could provide guidance on resolving this?
Limitation in code buckets and tests
Hello, We are currently using a multi-DB setup for our stores (DE, EN, CH), where each store has its own database. When running tests via docker/sdk cli -t or docker/sdk testing, the default store is used. In our case, it is DE (as defined in the deploy.ymlfile under docker:testing:store:). We have reached a point where we…
How to Resolve "413 Request Entity Too Large" Error in Spryker Yves Custom Form for File Uploads?
I have created a custom form with enctype="multipart/form-data" in the Spryker Yves layer to upload and save files using an input of type file. The files are saved to an AWS S3 bucket. When uploading files of 500 KB each in both inputs, the upload works correctly. However, attempting to upload files totaling 1 MB together…
Authorization code implementation of oauth2
Hi spryker! I've been trying to implement a "auth code" "driver" for the oath2 module so that I can authenticate and get an access token for the Glue API without providing user passwords. I've hit the page below, followed the instructions, but it's broken. "AuthCodeGrant" class is missing entirely (looked in GitHub history…
spryker/robotframework-suite-tests issue with deployment pipeline
Hi, since yesterday our ci/cd pipeline is failing because of the latest commit in the spryker/robotframework-suite-tests repository. Here is why it's failing with the latest changes: RUN rfbrowser init:27.97 return f(get_current_context(), *args, **kwargs)27.97 File…
Any experience with spryker/data-export module as erp export?
Hello community! Evaluating a common export system for our current project, I stumbled upon the spryker/data-export module which seems to be a very streamlined way for exporting any data from a defined source entity to any destination in different formats. Since I always prefer flexible solution, I wonder if this can used…
MP state machine condition check
Hello Spryker Community, I am working on adding a condition in the Merchant Portal state machine. I created a custom condition, and it is working. However, inside my check method, I am not getting the relevant data in the parameters related to the order. Specifically, I need the order_item_id to retrieve order details and…
We've set max qty of product to 1 in cart despite this multiple qty added in cart while we add to ca
We've set max qty of product to 1 in cart despite this multiple qty added in cart while we add to cart from product details page, while we're going to checkout we received error for max qty. we've define "quantity_max": 1, while import from csv and also define "product_concrete.is_quantity_splittable":0 From what we've…
Free Shipping and Sub-Total
Hello, I am trying to set up Free Shipping with a threshold that is calculated without including shipping costs and without applying promotions or discounts. Based on the Spryker documentation (Create Discounts), it seems that the subtotal token should meet my requirements. However, it does not seem to work as expected in…
Variable OMS execution time
I need to check the status of payments with the OMS as follows every minute for the first 6 hours (this is the default) every 15 minutes from 6 hours to 48 hours. How can I do this with the OMS? I tried to modify the getStateMachineLockerTimeoutInterval() from the OmsConfig but if I change it to 15 minutes it's applied to…
deactivated & deny product still visible on Search and PLP ?
Hi team I have one product with one variant so i deactivate variant and deny abstract product but that product still visible on search bar and on plp page on aws server ? please suggest what can i do for this issue ?
Symfony Rate limiter
Ey-o, does anyone have any experience integrating the Symfony Rate limiter into Spryker? At the moment it's mainly about rate limiting 1-2 custom Glue endpoints for me (so I can just do one-off type custom code this time), but more generally it'd be interesting to know how one would go about configuring and integrating new…
Getting JUnit report out of CI images
Hi, by default the CI image deploy.ymls use docker:mount:baked, so the generated test reports are not exposed to the CI host. Is there some clever way to get the test reports out as an artifact? Note: this is mostly for Gitlab using the Docker-in-Docker setup described here…
How to access the data for Custom created table in merchant portal gui module.
I have created a custom database table in TestArticle Module → PyzTestArticle now i want to fetch data for that table in Merchant portal Gui module i have setup all the things using facade dependency but always i get 0 data row from that table not able to acess the data for that table . what ACL entity or ACL metrchant…
Sort by relevance option in catalog search not exist in glue api
Any one suggest how to add search by relevance in catalog search by category id from glue api
I'm trying to remove the price display from search results
Hi everyone, I'm trying to remove the price display from search results. I attempted to remove the ProductPriceQueryExpanderPlugin from Pyz\Client\Catalog\CatalogDependencyProvider::createCatalogSearchQueryExpanderPlugins, but the changes don’t seem to reflect. Is there a specific command or step needed to apply these…