New Propel2 release 2.0.0-beta4 👻
Now Propel2 supports Symfony v7, a we got rid of nasty PHP8.2 bugs! What's Changed Allow Symfony v7 by @Leonardo-Atalla in #1992 Make compatible with 8.2 ArrayIterator interface updates by @oojacoboo in #1987 PHP8.2 - Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead by @scp in #1985 Fix broken test on Postgres…
Wrong second parameter when initializing the ChildUserQuery
Wrong second parameter when initializing the ChildUserQuery in the buildCriteria() method of the Base User model: public function buildCriteria(): Criteria { $criteria = new ChildUserQuery(UserTableMap::DATABASE_NAME, 'User'); … } 'User' should be FQCN '\\App\\User' I thank you in advance for any help or idea
Best way to have database structure as per the code base.
While working on project, I have to switch on different different git branches and each branch may have a different database structure, my db size is nearly 50GB+, While running propel:install it takes a time of more than 30 min, how can I have the same db structure version as per the git branch code without wasting a time.
Migration: Custom database adapter. How to?
I adapted an existing adapter and also a platform class for an IBM database connection from Propel 1.5.4. Now I want to configure Propel so that I don't have to manually adjust the PropelConfiguration class. Means need to add the value 'ibm' into the array here in Line 129: ->values(['mysql', 'pgsql', 'sqlite', 'mssql',…
Window functions in propel?
I think it's not supported by propel orm, but just in case: Is anyone doing window functions (I.E. over()… OVER( partition by…) With propel orm? I didn't find any docu in propel's site (). I can think of a workaround via aggregate columns, but I'd rather not change structure for some calculations. I am trying to skip…
How to extends the Propel function according to the standard
Hi Everyone I want to show the custom attribute in the order item corner that look like this one My idea is i will add more column in the table spy_sales_order_item_metadata example column: additional_attributes I see the function that adding data to the table spy_sales_order_item_metadata…
Keep migrations in repository?
We are about to move to prod. Currently we just use the Spryker default .gitignore setup where migrations are not commited to the repository. I've seen 2 articles that relate to this topic in the docs: I understand it is recommended then to keep migration files for productive systems. Do I just remove migration files from…
Error regarding store and queue pool synchronization attribute
Hey Spryker guys While executing propel install command, receiving error regarding store and queue pool synchronization attribute, do anyone have idea of such error cause and resolution for the same Thank you
Error when using an entity from Propel
Hey Sprykers! I’m getting an error when using an entity from Propel: Unable to execute INSERT statement [INSERT INTO spy_hello_world_message_storage (id_hello_world_message_storage, fk_hello_world_message, data, key, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (:p0, :p1, :p2, :p3, :p4, :p5)] FYI: I’m going through this Tutorial:…
Trying to remove unique constraint from Propel database column...
Hi all! I’m trying to remove unique constraint from Propel database column. Since Spryker merges the Propel schema into a single schema file, so every unique constraint from the Spryker core schema will end up in the final Propel schema. However, the unique constraint for email in the table spy_customer should be removed…
Updating record in database based on id through the propel save operation?
Need clue about the problem. I want to update the record in database based on id through the propel save operation but I am getting this error. Cannot insert a value for auto-increment primary key (pyz_client_record.id)
Every time when we run propel install command we are getting this error
We are stuck over this issue, Every time when we run propel install command we are getting this error :- Error - Exception: Class '\Orm\Zed\ProductCountry\Persistence\Map\SpyProductCountryTableMap' not found in /data/vendor/propel/propel/src/Propel/Runtime/Map/DatabaseMap.php (115)
Demo data and testing fixture data fails: invalid datetime format?
Hi there, we recently updated our Spryker project, in specific we updated spryker/propel-orm and hence propel/propel from 2.0.0-beta1 to 2.0.0-beta2. Now all our demo data and testing fixture data fails where we have dates like '2050-12-31'. Propel tells us, that this is an invalid datetime format. '2037-12-31' works…
Generated orm classes are different from the provided ModelCriteria
Hey there, 3 days ago the propel packages got updated and now using the latest propel/propel. Now the generated orm classes are different from the provided ModelCriteria. Can anyone confirm that?
When building propel query, is it possible to get final SQL as string?
When building propel query, is it possible to get final SQL as string?
Migrations: custom propel migrations are not populated on PaaS
Hey guys, I have a question regarding migrations. We have the problem, that our custom propel migrations are not populated on PaaS. We have removed https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2b-demo-shop/blob/8c21e264eb4318b6605465762c2ea00413ba8890/config/install/EU/production.yml#L17, but still no Migrations found:…
Known memory leak problems with propel 1.x?
Does anyone experience or know about memory leak problems with propel 1.x when handling large amounts of complex join queries during data synchronisation? How do you address these problems? Is it useful to disable the Propel cache using disableInstancePooling() during data export?
Question concerning propel-migrations
Hello everyone, a general question concerning propel-migrations, maybe even addressed to spryker-core devs directly: Is there a reason why the default install-scripts of the suites clear all existing migrations in the beginning (see:…
Does anyone know how I might achieve something like this using Propel?
Afternoon all! Does anyone know how I might achieve something like this using Propel? SELECT *FROM spy_sales_order ssoLEFT JOIN spy_customer sc ON LOWER(sso.email)=LOWER(sc.email)WHERE sc.customer_reference != sso.customer_referenceAND sso.email is not null; Specifically the LOWER() in the ON criteria. new…
Configure propel to create an index for every foreign-key automaticaly?
Do you know if it's possible to configure propel to create an index for every foreign-key automatically when using Postgres?
After upgrade to 202180.0, error about the loaderScriptDir
Hi guys, I have, after upgrade to 202180.0, always the error about the loaderScriptDir from propel Zed.CRITICAL: Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException - Database map was not initialized. Please check the database loader script included by your conf. After propel:install is problem gone. After docker/sdk up i have again…
How do I delete rows from one table using another table in WHERE clause?
this might be more a propel question, but how do I delete rows from one table using another table in WHERE clause? use{RelatedTableName} doesn't seem to work here $this->getFactory() ->createSomeQuery() ->useRelatedEntity() ->filterByRelatedEntityColumn($someValue) ->endUse() ->delete(); // doesn't work for me
A smart way to “force” some entity to be flagged as “updated” without overriding propel entity?
Hello, is there a smart way to “force” some entity to be flagged as “updated” without overriding the propel entity behaviour at all? For example if we write price data into the storage table, the lastUpdate date is updated in this moment … but if we fetch later the exact price data again, the record is not marked as some…
Error when running propel install in the CLI container
Hi guys when I try to run propel install in the CLI container I get this error Any clues?
Is it posible to use entity object (Propel active record) in Business layer?
[Newbie] Hi team. I have concerns that : Is it posible to use entity object (Propel active record) in Business layer, or only in Persistent layer.
Confused on how could I run `propel migration:down` command
Hello everyone! Since Spryker is using some kind of a wrapper for propel cli, I'm confused on how could I run propel migration:down command?
Tool/framework which does the same as Propel migrations for a set of bash commands?
Does anybody knows a tool/framework which does the same as Propel migrations for a set of bash commands? I really would like to have versioned bash scripts to execute commands after a deployment which change from version to version (e.g.: running the glossary import when anything glossary related has changed). Auto…
Bug regarding propel and entitymapping
Hi, i think i found an interesting bug regarding propel and entitymapping wich can cause that data is not saved. Has someone time so i can explain this issue, so that it can be addressed?
Strange error when we try to install propel/propel (2.0.0-alpha10)
Good Morning, we have a strange error when we try to install propel/propel (2.0.0-alpha10) $ /usr/local/bin/security-checker security:check ./composer.lock But this error was fixed in 2018 -> https://github.com/propelorm/Propel2/pull/1464. Any idea?
Found a problem after release version 1.11.0 of propel-orm
Hi Guys I found today a problem after release version 1.11.0 of propel-orm https://github.com/spryker/propel-orm/releases The version tag 1.11.0 required the propel version alpha10. This version has a bug in propel migrate console command…
How to enable query logging in Spryker's Propel config?
Hi! Another short and sweet question: How do you enable query logging in Spryker's Propel config?