Spryker installation is failing at Section build-static stage
I tried to install Spryker b2b on my system. I reset the local using docker/sdk reset and tried to do fresh setup with new b2b-demo-shop code. My installation is getting failed. I have attached screenshot. Maybe Spryker docker build is getting failed. I tried in multiple devices and getting the same error.
Can't setup the project using staging deployment file
I need to run the project using a staging configuration But I'm getting this error Note: I'm using Apple M1 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/spryker-cloud_base_frontend:1.0: Dockerfile:1 1 | >>> # syntax = docker/dockerfile:experimental 2 | ARG SPRYKER_PARENT_IMAGE 3 | ARG SPRYKER_ASSETS_BUILDER_IMAGE ERROR:…
Regarding Upload on s3 in different folder apart from root
Hi, I m facing one issue. I have using configuration like TestFileSystemConstants::FILE_SYSTEM_S3_ORDER_DOCUMENTS => [ 'sprykerAdapterClass' => Aws3v3FilesystemBuilderPlugin::class, 'root' => '/', 'path' => '/', 'key' => getenv('S3_ORDER_DOCUMENTS_KEY'), 'secret' => getenv('S3_ORDER_DOCUMENTS_SECRET'), 'bucket' =>…
QueueHandlerPlugin for YVES - docker/sdk
Hey ho! I set up Logstash with an extra docker-compose file to read/push log messages from RabbitMq to ElasticSearch in my local development environment. This works like a charm for ZED using the corresponding QueueHandlerPlugin (\Spryker\Zed\Log\Communication\Plugin\Handler\QueueHandlerPlugin) How ever, for YVES, there is…
improvement on Acceptance Tests
Hello Spryker community,I'm working on acceptance tests for a Spryker project and I'm looking for ways to optimize the test setup and iteration process. Currently, we need to run the following commands before each test run: docker/sdk boot deploy.ci.acceptance.mariadb.yml -v && docker/sdk up -t -v && docker/sdk testing…
How to add approval status and activation in combined data import
I am trying to import product with combined file and I've add prodcut_abstract.approval_status to approved column in csv file but it is not taking any effect on product. So how can we add approval and activation column in combined csv file
Xdebug not working
Hi everyone, I'm experiencing an issue with Xdebug on my system. I'm unable to make it running. I configured everything following the steps described here: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/dg/dev/set-up-spryker-locally/configure-after-installing/configure-debugging/configure-debugging.html Since it was not working out of the…
need to add custom fields to merchant creation form in
Currently working on spryker client project , need to add custom fields to merchant creation form in back office , i tried but its not working properly. any one please guide me in this
The acceptance test in the demo-b2b-marketplace are all failing due to chrome driver issues
I was running the acceptance tests using this command `docker/sdk testing codecept run -c codeception.acceptance.yml` I have been receiving errors and failures in the tests. Some gets timed out and some gets errors. I tried to deep dive into it and find out that the '$tester->grabPageSource()' always returns…
I want to allow transition in state machine for certain user roles only
I have a button in OMS state machine and I m getting access denied when i click on the button.
Getting FAIL WHALE! screen in login into backoffice
I m getting this issue from this week, whenever I start the container using debug code like docker/sdk restart -x then backoffice login url show Fail whale screen , after trying refresh several times , login successful but again in accessing links in backoffice and during logout land to same FAIL WHALE screen. But if i use…
Store Cleanup issue
Hi team i am facing an error while docker/sdk up docker/deployment/default/env/backoffice_eu.env not found: stat docker/deployment/default/env/backoffice_eu.env: no such file or directory
Override Layout file not working
I have followed the same step like mentioned in the learning video. But it is not working for me and for coliques as well. I have tried same like in the video to override the layout.twig file. But after clearing the cache with "console c:e" commands, the changes were not appearing.
PersistentCartClient::updateQuote() removes shipment and payment from the quote.
The story is: I decided to implement "OrderCustomReferenceWidget" on the "checkout/summary" page so customer could update it right before placing an order. The problem is after the data is saved, the quote has empty shipment and payment, so customer is redirected to the "checkout/shipment" page. I tested it on the…
Deploy Template imports
Hey all, two quick questions What are your opinions on this deploy file inheritance? Is it possible to import one deploy.yml file into another deploy.stage.yml file when both are on PROJECT ROOT (not in config/deploy-templates) For Context — TL/DR: I started to clean up my deploy files according to this documentation about…
Unable to add image in Demo Page
Unable to execute statement [UPDATE `spy_glossary_translation` SET `value`=:p1 WHERE `spy_glossary_translation`.`id_glossary_translation`=:p2] How can I add high-quality images to the Demo Page is there a solution to this error?
Using AWS environment variable for secret for basic auth defined in deploy.staging.yml
I am using deploy.staging.yml x-frontend-auth: &frontend-auth <<: *real-ip auth: engine: basic users: - username: cloud password: cloud And I want to pass password but defined in AWS environment variables so it is not pushed to git. Is there a way how can I do it? I tried by using ${SOME_ENV_VARIABLE} but it didn't work.
How I can write unit test codes for spryker?
Hi, Jitesh Sinha from AnnexCloud Working on Spryker B2C project extension under the AnnexCloud Loyalty platform. To pass the certification process, I need to write the mock tests and unit tests codes. I have gone though the spryker docs, but I am confused. Is there any hands-on where I can get proper exposure or any…
Can we have multi-parent-category in Spryker?
Hey-hey, Sprykees. Can we have several parent categories in Spryker? For example: "New Year Tree" belongs to "Garden" parent category and to "Holiday Decorations" parent category at the same moment. But I have no idea how to do it with Spryker. Is it possible? Is it too complex task? Maybe, somebody did it yet and has a…
Anyone having issues pulling docker images today?
I'm trying to 'reset' my environment, and I'm getting issues pulling images, before the screenshot I couldn't pull rabbitmq, or some others
Dockerfile issue
Hi Team, I am facing an error while I am using docker/sdk up and it fails , Can anyone help me out
Merchant Portal - Autocompletion / Storybook / Documentation
Any idea on how to get documentation for merchant portal webcomponents? We need: autocompletion/IDE Support (see screenshot - HTML Tag missing, we need it clickable and reference to its webcomponent) general documentation (this seems NOT to contain all components? i.e. <web-mp-root> → see list below) run and build…
How to setup acceptance tests in Gitlab?
Hi community! I'm trying to set up a pipeline with acceptance tests, for this I need a full multi-container setup of Spryker in CI. If I'm using the config from , it gives me an error: $ docker/sdk boot -v deploy.ci.yml Docker Buildx plugin is not installed. Please, make sure Docker Buildx plugin is installed. How to…
B2B Demo Marketplace / `docker/sdk up` / blackfire.io error
My OS is Windows, I installed Ubuntu and followed the rest of the instructions on Spryker (). Docker uses the WSL2 based engine, and Ubuntu integration with additional distros enabled. Nevertheless, I get these errors in anyway. I've tried everything I could find and googled. What should I do? PS: Both of the screenshots…
Spyker Academy / Entities - Hands-on
When I run the docker/sdk console propel:install command, it returns these errors. Here the instructions I follow: https://safari.spryker.com/learn/course/347/play/2588/spryker-coding-conventions;lp=139
How are the tests in vendor modules executed ?
I have some custom modules that I have created and I would like to use them throughout projects, by making them as composer packages. I was wondering how to bundle the tests inside the composer package. For inspiration I took a look at how the Spryker vendor modules structure the tests. I used the same structure and I can…
Is there a way to access the application over ip?
I need to manipulate touch gestures / navigation. Testing on a real device would drastically improve my developing experience, since it turns out that thumbs behave differently than a cursor while testing touch gestures. However it seems to be impossible to access the application by the domain from the deploy file. Is…
I have a missing column exception when trying to add a product to the basket
In b2b and in b2c as well when I try to add a product to the basket I have exception Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'spy_product_abstract.pyz_color_code' in 'field list'","code". It seems that column is in file: spy_product.schema <?xml version="1.0"?><database xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"…
Impossibility to swith to the specific codebucket
It seems that altough we do everything that is needed to override specific component it's still not working. For example in course 'Spryker Frontend for Backend Developers', lesson 'Adding a Theme to a Product Detail Page' I do everything exactly as it's shown. We create a new folder ProductDetailPageDE, then we create…
Issue with docker on Mac when you want to use images with hash
There is a know issue () that docker build fails to find a local image that was built using a hash. For example if you define spryker/php:8.1-alpine3.17@sha256:6c881a6022ed15b52ebeb8fa5391968dfd8c90ad671663797a189bf86da7ab92 as an image in your deploy.yml docker/sdk up will fail with an error about permissions. Solution to…