The acceptance test in the demo-b2b-marketplace are all failing due to chrome driver issues
I was running the acceptance tests using this command `docker/sdk testing codecept run -c codeception.acceptance.yml` I have been receiving errors and failures in the tests. Some gets timed out and some gets errors. I tried to deep dive into it and find out that the '$tester->grabPageSource()' always returns…
Can an email able to access merchant portal and backoffice both?
Can an email able to access merchant portal and backoffice both. If yes, then how? We have found that we are unable to have BackOffice and Merchant Portal access simultaneously. If we combine the ROOT GROUP permissions with MP groups, we are unable to login.
How to display merchant portal on yves?
Hello everyone, I want to display merchant portal url http://mp.de.spryker.local/ on yves in controller $merchantPortalHost = Config::get(MerchantPortalConstants::BASE_URL_MP); output is "http://" please help me.
Spryker + OpenSwoole or other PHP network frameworks
Hi everyone, Recently I tried out to implement the OpenSwoole framework in my local dev setup of the B2B demo shop. OpenSwoole is a event-driven, asynchronous network framework with non-blocking I/O. The big advantage you have with the framework (in addition to other features like coroutines) is that the rather costly…
Swagger firstGlueEndpointMap
Hey there :) In our project we have installed the Glue Storefront next to the Glue and we have installed the Docu-generator. We now have the problem that we cannot adjust this Url. If we set the ENV variable for the new scheme of the storefront, the URL mentioned above is always displayed first with the old scheme. But as…
Orders with many line items result in long frontend response times
Hello everyone, A problem we encountered during Black Friday was that customers who place large orders waited a long time for an order confirmation in the frontend. To debug this issue I looked into the checkout process and measured the times of some methods. I discovered that the call of the runStateMachine method inside…
Net and gross price differences
In our current shop we are having some problems with the "Net prices" and "Gross prices" that the price for the customer in total will be higher when its set on "Net prices" and that the backoffice overview is not how it suppose to be. I tested it also in the spryker demo shop (b2b.demo-spryker.com) and the same problem is…
Product-Relation Update taking very long
Hello fellow Sprykees, we are currently investigating an issue in a customer-project. The Jenkins job "product-relation:update" is taking ~11 hours, up from was previously ~5 hours, which is still a long runtime considering no problems in other projects. The command wasn't overwritten, other than 2 indexes on…
About B2B Oryx boilerplate
Hi Guys, I've gone through the Oryx framework and it really looks promising. I have a small question here. Is the Oryx framework available for a B2B scenario. I've used the boilerplate (https://github.com/spryker/composable-frontend) and I can see the B2C scenario is working well. I wanted to know if we can quickly bring…
my ec2 Docker env keeps throwing 502 Bad Gateway errors when trying to open the elastip ip.
my ec2 Docker env keeps throwing 502 Bad Gateway errors when trying to open the elastip ip.it is b2b marketplace which i deployed on ec2 but it throws 502 gateway and even i tried with load balancer getting the same error is their anything i need to setup the ip in deploy.dev.yml which iam using??