About B2B Oryx boilerplate
Hi Guys, I've gone through the Oryx framework and it really looks promising. I have a small question here. Is the Oryx framework available for a B2B scenario. I've used the boilerplate (https://github.com/spryker/composable-frontend) and I can see the B2C scenario is working well. I wanted to know if we can quickly bring up a B2B setup as well at such a pace. If yes, please let me know how to do that?
Hi @vparannattilcherul, thanks for the feedback and question! We've actually released the
with version 1.1 last week. It is part of the the preset package, but it's honestly an empty shell for now. We did not yet released b2b components and integrations so far. We are building b2b components as we speak as well as catching up with some foundation components still. We will gradually extend the feature set over time. Since we do not allow for breaking changes in minor releases, you should use theORYX_FEATURE_VERSION
to have the latest changes applied to the standard b2b experience.You can read more about feature sets, presets and version flag at:
Btw, Oryx provides you with a framework to build components and integrations to Spryker APIs to do this yourself. So, not having (all) b2b components and integrations ready does not neccessarily mean you can/should not use it.
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@vparannattilcherul , would be great if you could keep us posted on the b2b components you are building & releasing. I am also pretty much interested in that. THX!
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