Window functions in propel?
I think it's not supported by propel orm, but just in case: Is anyone doing window functions (I.E. over()… OVER( partition by…) With propel orm? I didn't find any docu in propel's site (). I can think of a workaround via aggregate columns, but I'd rather not change structure for some calculations. I am trying to skip…
How to extends the Propel function according to the standard
Hi Everyone I want to show the custom attribute in the order item corner that look like this one My idea is i will add more column in the table spy_sales_order_item_metadata example column: additional_attributes I see the function that adding data to the table spy_sales_order_item_metadata…
Filtering products on specific super attributes?
For context: I'm in the middle of implementing a feature where I have to update the stock for products sharing a specific super-attribute, and that share another super-attribute. I ended up in the SpyStockProduct::doUpdate() method. Example: Product A has superAttribute1 = blue and superAttribute2 = wood Product B has…
Persist a product using code
I pass a payload via URL containing th sku of the product and a name for example, I want to query to product table for the product with that sku update the name and save the product any Idea how to do this simple task taking also the store in consideration ?
Is it possible to enable RDS connection encryption in Spryker PaaS?
We are getting a requirement to enable the encrypted connection. I don't see any obvious settings or docs, but I see it would pe possible to provide 'options' to PDO. Would it be acomplishable in default spryker PaaS out of the box (just changing project code)? Or would we need to have infrastructure setup?
Product-Relation Update taking very long
Hello fellow Sprykees, we are currently investigating an issue in a customer-project. The Jenkins job "product-relation:update" is taking ~11 hours, up from was previously ~5 hours, which is still a long runtime considering no problems in other projects. The command wasn't overwritten, other than 2 indexes on…
Keep migrations in repository?
We are about to move to prod. Currently we just use the Spryker default .gitignore setup where migrations are not commited to the repository. I've seen 2 articles that relate to this topic in the docs: I understand it is recommended then to keep migration files for productive systems. Do I just remove migration files from…
I have some troubles installing and enabling Merchant portal on my spryker app.
Hello there, I have some troubles installing and enabling Merchant portal on my spryker app. First, I install default B2B-marketplace following this: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/marketplace/dev/setup/202212.0/spryker-marketplace-setup.html (replacing b2c marketplace by b2b marketplace) Then, i follow these instructions :…
How do I run `docker/sdk console propel:install` for the non-default store also?
Hi, how do I run docker/sdk console propel:install for the non-default store also? The hands-on section of "Extending Spryker Functionality" left my b2c-demo-shop US store somewhat broken, as the changes to database only happened to the DE store. The eu-docker database had the spy_customer table with the added fk_antelope…
Error regarding store and queue pool synchronization attribute
Hey Spryker guys While executing propel install command, receiving error regarding store and queue pool synchronization attribute, do anyone have idea of such error cause and resolution for the same Thank you