Keep migrations in repository?
We are about to move to prod. Currently we just use the Spryker default .gitignore setup where migrations are not commited to the repository.
I've seen 2 articles that relate to this topic in the docs:
I understand it is recommended then to keep migration files for productive systems.
Do I just remove migration files from gitignore and commit them?
Are the default pipelines in aws and install recipes ready for this? I see propel:migration:delete and propel:diff in production.yml.
Best Answer
Hello Victor, yes, you need to remove migration files from .gitignore and adjust installation recipe (remove propel:migration:delete command) in the project files, AWS pipelines will use installation recipe from the project repository.
Hello Victor, yes, you need to remove migration files from .gitignore and adjust installation recipe (remove propel:migration:delete command) in the project files, AWS pipelines will use installation recipe from the project repository.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,084 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey, please also have a look here:
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