How do I run `docker/sdk console propel:install` for the non-default store also?
Posts: 11 🧑🏻🚀 - Cadet
Hi, how do I run docker/sdk console propel:install
for the non-default store also? The hands-on section of "Extending Spryker Functionality" left my b2c-demo-shop US store somewhat broken, as the changes to database only happened to the DE store.
The eu-docker database had the spy_customer table with the added fk_antelope field, and us-docker did not.
APPLICATION_STORE=YOUR_STORE docker/sdk console ...
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Thanks Vlad, it worked after deleting the old DE store migrations.
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it would be great to have something "run it for all configured stores" for such console tasks 😄 .. we always build around our own helper for that - but maybe this could be a build-in feature once - @spryker... 😉
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