Best way to have database structure as per the code base.

While working on project, I have to switch on different different git branches and each branch may have a different database structure, my db size is nearly 50GB+, While running propel:install it takes a time of more than 30 min, how can I have the same db structure version as per the git branch code without wasting a time.
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,097 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @mitkumar.dudani.nagar ,
I think this is not a propel challenge itself: if you touch db structure in a DB which contains a lot of data it is slower than operating the same thing within a DB with much less data.
So maybe it is worth rethinking why you need such a big db for the dev environment in the first place? I see tons of downsides of having that.
What is the reason why you need such a big db all the time?
All the best,
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I have to work with such amount of data, but what I have observe is after successfully running propel:install, if I run it again it is making changes to the database, ideally it should only consider the changes. But I haven't made any changes to the schema files.
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