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Hello, Do you know if in yves JavaScript is url to Glue available by default somewhere?

USZB5JN4W Posts: 112 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Do you know if in yves JavaScript is url to Glue available by default somewhere?


  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    Sorry, I didn't get the question.
    Do you ask how could you access glue endpoints?
    Like this https://glue.de.b2c.demo-spryker.com/category-trees?

    USZB5JN4W Posts: 112 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    I have molecule in yves, which has to communicate via ajax with glue and I need url to glue api (domain) in this molecule’s JS

  • Valerii Trots
    Valerii Trots SRE @ Spryker Sprykee Posts: 1,654 ✨ - Novice

    Here is the feedback from glue team:

    Yves is not aware of glue since nothing in yves uses glue.
    I do not think the url is in vars anywhere in yves.
    USZB5JN4W Posts: 112 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    ok, thank you 🙂

  • Andriy Netseplyayev
    Andriy Netseplyayev Domain Lead Solution Architecture Sprykee Posts: 519 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
    edited February 2020

    glue is for external clients, f.e. mobile app, external SPA or other 3rd party systems. For the shop’s internal frontend itself (Yves), you would call Yves controller via ajax, and it would call client and so on..