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Hey, I am trying to add a testing database to my docker setup. What is the right way to do so? I tri
Do you want to create dedicated store for the testing?
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Not neccessarily, I just want a seperate database for testing.
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There are 2 possible options:
1. Separate store. Should work OOTB. But it will need
β’ Changing deploy.yml file by adding region, group, endpoints. Also pointing right store indocker:testing:store:
β’ Copying demo data (in csv files)
β’ Adding store in config/Shared/stores.php
2. Overriding database only for test mode. Not OOTB. But it can be done by managing of nginx and env files.0 -
Also I see 3 option:
separate deploy.yml file for testing. But it makes impossible to use testing and dev mode at the same time. So docker/sdk boot {file} && docker/sdk up each time you need to switch the mode.0 -
What is the reason you want separate database for testing?
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Thanks! I just assumed that I need a seperate database since the devtest_DE config specifies a βDE_devtest_zedβ database π
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devtest_DE does not used in docker SDK at all. In docker setup only
is used.0 -
Maybe itβs because Iβm still on the 201907.0 b2c-demoshop, but the devtest-DE config seems to be read when running codeception commands inside the cli
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For running tests with Docker SDK you need:
docker/sdk testing
-> and thencodecept ...
docker/sdk testing codecept run
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Thats what I am doing, but when I change config values in devtest_DE, for example ZED_DB_DATABASE, it affects the tests.
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Iβll try to setup a clean project using the latest release, maybe I just broke something
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It should not get into devtest environment.
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Do you have the following code inside?
if (getenv('SPRYKER_TESTING_ENABLED')) { return getenv('APPLICATION_ENV'); }
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I just installed the new release of the b2c-demoshop and both, my old and the new shop, are missing the entire vendor/spryker/spryker directory. However, I have a Environment.php in tests/PyzTest/Shared/Testify/_support/Helper/, but the code you mentioned is not present there.
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My colleague is also missing the directory in his b2b shop
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it seems you need to update testify module to have possibility to run tests in docker.
Use the last one please to check.0 -
composer update spryker/testify
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It seems that does not help. I need time to figure out why that code was missed.
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Wait. I found the file:
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And code is there. So just update testify
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Exactly, was just about to say that the file is just in another location now. But it wasnβt there before I updated testify, so thanks a lot! π
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Thanks for feedback.
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