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Hello all, can someone please tell me where is the data related to Product Store Relation stored in

Hello all, can someone please tell me where is the data related to Product Store Relation stored in the database?
The various
tables, I'd assume...?0 -
@U04FXCTCWPP Unfortunately no. They do not contain a field related to store
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Should be the table you are searching for?0 -
@U048WDEP3R7 Oh but they do. π
has anfk_product_relation
also hasfk_product_abstract
(!!!).So if you start out from
, and follow thefk
s from there, you should be able to find what you need.0 -
@U04FXCTCWPP Oh. Thank you again for such detailed info π I will look into it now
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Although what @U02JWPGK5CZ wrote above, could be it too.
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
@U04FXCTCWPP Store relation for product abstract has nothing to do with
tables.The store relation as @U02JWPGK5CZ said are saved in
.0 -
@UL65CH0MC Thank you. This is what I was looking for.
0 -
@UL65CH0MC Ok, thanks for the correction π
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