CommerceQuest Navigation Guide

Lauren Kulwicki
Lauren Kulwicki (ex) Senior Community Manager Posts: 196 🪐 - Explorer

Wondering how to get around in CommerceQuest? We got you covered.

The Basics 📖


Use the Category catalogue to find exactly what you’re looking for, neatly separated into categories. Aside for the classics for business users, developers, and Safari-goers, here's some spaces to watch:


View and sign up for community events and other large-scale events in our Calendar.


Head to our homepage for the latest announcements, upcoming events, and just a general overview of everything on offer. 

Customize your space 🤩

Follow categories

See a category that you’re interested in following? Head to the category and click the bell icon to “Follow Category.” You can further customize your preferences and be notified about new posts and comments by clicking “Edit Profile” on your profile page.

Bookmark discussions

Found a discussion you’d like to save? Just click the bookmark icon. It's a great way to keep track of discussions you are interested in following.

Quick Links

You’ll find your Quick Links in the right sidebar. Use this to easily find your bookmarks, discussions, drafts and more.

Get notified

Customize how you would like to receive notifications for your interactions with the community and the categories you follow. Head to your Profile - Edit Profile - Notification Preferences.

Participating in the CommerceQuest ☄️

Create a post

Add a new discussion, ask a question, or create a poll using the + New Post button. You’ll find this button ready to go in each space! You can also include emojis, upload an image or file, or insert media.

Leave a comment

Another great way to get involved is to comment on other discussions in the CommerceQuest. You can post your comment right away or save a draft to come back to later. As mentioned above, your drafts are saved in your Quick Links sidebar. 


Show some love and interact with your fellow community members by clicking one of the reactions at the bottom of a discussion post.

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We’re all in this together, so don’t be shy to mention another community member who may be able to help. Simply type in the “@” symbol and the community member’s name to mention them.

Earn Ranks & Badges

Just for a bit of fun: The more involved you become in our community, the more badges you earn 💚 We love to see those names climb our Leaderboard ;) Our Crew System explains everything you need to know about earning badges and ranks - check it out!

Private Messaging

Click the Message icon to send and receive messages from other community members. You’ll only be able to start sending messages after you have received your Astro Novice badge (50 points / 5 posts). To learn more about badges and ranks, visit our Crew System guide.

…And there you have it - our guide to navigating the CommerceQuest 👏


New here? Pop over to our Getting Started: New Member Checklist.

Want some more tips? We've got a bunch! Just click here for a full overview.

Questions or suggestions? Just reach out to the Community Team in Community Ideas & Feedback. Or, write your question right here in the comment section!