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Itās a history of our time together in the Slack Community! Thereās a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.
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Hi there, i have a question about your docker sdk for an existing project, on bootstrap everything l
Have you followed the integration guide?
Do you have mentioned config?
Do you have mentioned class imported in this config?0 -
Yes i followed the integration guide
I have mentioned the config, but i didn't understand what do you mean with class imported in this config?0 -
Do you have
use Spryker\Shared\GlueApplication\GlueApplicationConstants;
at the beginning of theconfig_default-docker.php
?0 -
0 -
in yourcomposer.lock
?0 -
no, wait stupid me, the class exists, but doesn't have that particular constant in this case
0 -
can you maybe paste us the contents of the class?
0 -
cat vendor/spryker/glue-application/src/Spryker/Shared/GlueApplication/GlueApplicationConstants.php
should do š0 -
Sure š
0 -
Hi Christoph,
- Make sure you have no
interface on project level. - It could be autoload stuff. Try to run
composer install
or removevendor
folder and runup
0 - Make sure you have no
Hi Mike, thanks, i tried everything you suggested but i still get the same error
0 -
Please try
vendor/bin/console transfer:generate
on your host if you have PHP installed.0 -
I do, same error:
0 -
use Spryker\Shared\GlueApplication\GlueApplicationConstants;
exactly the same?Would you try to search for files that contains
interface GlueApplicationConstants
?0 -
Thanks for the input, some modules had the wrong version so ja updated the version and run composer again, now the error with the GlueApplicationConstants colud be solve, but now i'm getting this:
Did i miss some?
0 -
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