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Hi there, I am having some issues when running a command while following bootcamp video. Issue is :

Hi there, I am having some issues when running a command while following bootcamp video.
Issue is π
When I run this command
docker/sdk console code:generate:module:yves HelloWorld
I get this error πFATAL ERROR - Interface 'Silex\ControllerProviderInterface' not found
What I Found π
As I checked, I found that spryker/silex
folder is absent in the vendor file . Since this is kept in require-dev
of the plugin, running composer install on b2c shop project did not install it. Is there a workaround this?
After running
composer require --dev spryker/silex
on the main b2c demo root, I was able to run the module generate command.Please do let me know if this is the right way and I can open a PR against demo shops to fix this π
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,089 βοΈ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey, the bootcamp course is sadly outdated and not getting updated anymore. Spryker is not using Silex anymore. If you want to use code-generation maybe take a look at spryks.
We are currently scaling the academy team and hope to release the first new developer e-learnings end of Q1. The goal is to have new up-to-date developer e-learnings for all important topics (current and upcoming) until the end of the year.
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Thank you I am checking Spryks now and Good Luck to your team. Looking forward to see those developer e-learnings. π
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How did you resolve the above issue
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Fatal error: Interface 'Silex\ControllerProviderInterface' not found in /data/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Yves/Application/Plugin/Provider/ControllerProviderInterface.php on line 15
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You can use
commands like thesedocker/sdk console spryk:run AddModuleDefault
You can use
docker/sdk console spryk:dump
to view all available spryk commands
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