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I tried to install the b2c shop with windows 10 and docker (wsl2) - the installation process did not

I tried to install the b2c shop with windows 10 and docker (wsl2) - the installation process did not show any erros but when trying to open the shop the content is missing
Hello Marco! Have you checked queue? Is it empty?
MHello0 -
Hello Aleksey - which queue? How do i check this?
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Please visit
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queue basically looks the same
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I did a "docker/sdk reset" and now (after refreshing for like 10 times within a few minutes) the shop displays items - dont know if this was due the reset or maybe I just had to wait...Thank you.
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docker/sdk up
is finished there is usually some delay before all messages in queue are processed. These queues are responsible for publish product and many other things0 -
So if donβt see product right after installation donβt panic and check queue π maybe something is still in progress )
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ok thank you very much!
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the above screenshots look interesting π€
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why did you choose port 7080? probably something else running thereβ¦
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looks like the queue host does not properly work with a custom port. you probably have to add the port in
to the queue endpoint host. please correct me if i am wrong, @ULYHPR789 @UPZH5HHEV0 -
that is probably also rather a question for
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