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Hi, I have a question about the Bootcamp, section "Content & Search - Attribute Car Based Catalo

I have a question about the Bootcamp, section "Content & Search - Attribute Car Based Catalog Personalization - Challenge".
I created the CatalogFactory
in Pyz\Client\Catalog
with the getCartClient
function. In the class "AttributeCartBasedBoostingQueryExpanderPlugin
" I cannot access the getCartClient
The Spryker NS CatalogFactory
is used here. did I forgot something?
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let me have a quick look
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did you try to run it?
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but that is only a hint for the ide for auto completion. it should still work as intended
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if you add
/** * @method \Pyz\Client\Catalog\CatalogFactory getFactory() */
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above the query expander class, the ide should give you the autocompletion
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thanks for your investigation. the "IDE hint" was already added. With this i get no errors in my ide but if I call the url where the AttributeCartBasedBoostingQueryExpanderPlugin is executed i get this exception:
Call to undefined method Spryker\Client\Catalog\CatalogFactory::getCartClient()
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maybe the stacktrace is helpful
#0 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/spryker/search/src/Spryker/Client/Search/SearchClient.php(50): Pyz\Client\Catalog\Plugin\Elasticsearch\QueryExpander\AttributeCartBasedBoostingQueryExpanderPlugin->expandQuery(Object(Spryker\Client\Catalog\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query\ProductCatalogSearchQueryPlugin), Array) #1 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/spryker/catalog/src/Spryker/Client/Catalog/CatalogClient.php(39): Spryker\Client\Search\SearchClient->expandQuery(Object(Spryker\Client\Catalog\Plugin\Elasticsearch\Query\ProductCatalogSearchQueryPlugin), Array, Array) #2 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/spryker-shop/catalog-page/src/SprykerShop/Yves/CatalogPage/Dependency/Client/CatalogPageToCatalogClientBridge.php(36): Spryker\Client\Catalog\CatalogClient->catalogSearch('', Array) #3 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/spryker-shop/catalog-page/src/SprykerShop/Yves/CatalogPage/Controller/CatalogController.php(76): SprykerShop\Yves\CatalogPage\Dependency\Client\CatalogPageToCatalogClientBridge->catalogSearch('', Array) #4 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/spryker-shop/catalog-page/src/SprykerShop/Yves/CatalogPage/Controller/CatalogController.php(46): SprykerShop\Yves\CatalogPage\Controller\CatalogController->executeIndexAction(Array, 13, Object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request)) #5 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php(158): SprykerShop\Yves\CatalogPage\Controller\CatalogController->indexAction(Array, Object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request)) #6 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php(80): Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(Object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request), 1) #7 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Shared/Application/Application.php(132): Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(Object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request)) #8 /data/shop/development/current/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Shared/Application/Application.php(110): Spryker\Shared\Application\Application->handle(Object(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request)) #9 /data/shop/development/current/public/Yves/index.php(22): Spryker\Shared\Application\Application->run() #10 {main}
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well, as you can see it tries to get it from the core factory
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so you extended factory might have a wrong name/namespace
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can you please check here?
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i created the factory with the namespace "Pyz\Client\Catalog" that should match or i am wrong?
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that is correct
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can you send a screenshot of the top of the class
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and maybe of the relevant project file tree
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and extend the class "Spryker\Client\Catalog\CatalogFactory"
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looks correct at first glance. let me try to reconstruct. might take a moment
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no problem, thank you. its not a blocker... for now i have added the 2 methods to the spryker/client/catalog factory. . i know this is not the correct way π
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ok, in my b2c it works like a charm. (apart from the sorting having no effect π€)
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(side note: running the funciton score query in isolation works as intended)
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i will try to set this up with b2b now
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you are working with b2b, right @U01ALHKK517?
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yes, i have the current b2b (202009)
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oh yes I noticed that too (no sorting). I think in some cases the attribute in the elastic search is not color but "farbe". At least that's what I discovered when I debugged the ES response.
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thanks for the hint. i will ahve to check that later
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still canβt reproduce
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can you show me the above dependency provider, @U01ALHKK517 ?
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