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Hello guys, I am doing the exercises in Spryker Bootcamp however I got an issue on "Content & Se

Hello guys, I am doing the exercises in Spryker Bootcamp however I got an issue on "Content & Search" in first challenge. I should be able to load my /en/my-offers or /de/my-offers page when it was created and published, however I get 404 error.
you are using vagrant, correct?
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did you save AND publish?
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yes i did. Even the second screenshot says it's published, almost 7 times ๐
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ah, sorry. missed that
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maybe your queue is a bit slower
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do you know how to check rabbitmq on vagrant?
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not really
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ok, just a second
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that was a long second. sorry
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๐ no worries
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user: admin password: mate20mg
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please check under the
tab, that all your queues are empty0 -
and then maybe also check for running Jenkins jobs
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Does empty means that Ready / Total is 0?
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there should be just 0s
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then no, I have 36 in Ready column for DE publish queue
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and 2 for DE publish url queue
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and some others not empty queues as well
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is something running in Jenkins?
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can you go to the above Jenkins url and make a screenshot?
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Sure, however it's in Sloval language. Seems I need a plugin to enable english locale.
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English version
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no jobs running ๐
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please run
vendor/bin/console scheduler:setup
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