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Hi! I have the problem with Zed UI Course. When i open i see

Hi! I have the problem with Zed UI Course.
When i open http://zed.us.spryker.local/antelope i see error:
Propel \ Runtime \ Exception \ PropelException Unable to execute COUNT statement [SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pyz_antelope] Previous exceptions SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: relation "pyz_antelope" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pyz_antelope ^ (42P01)
Table “pyz_antelope” exists and contains 4 rows
@U021WPVTUS2 Did you run
console propel:install
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@U01AHAH9478 Yes. but I have reinstalled the project several times and may be something went wrong
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did you run it in the context of the US store?
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oh, 6 days ago 😊
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i assume this was already solved. 🙊
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@U021WPVTUS2 is it still relevant?
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No, its not relevant. Thanks! I reinstalled the environment ant it solved problem
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And I’ve install old version of docker desktop. With last version environment not works properly. I think something wrong with mutagen
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