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Hello, in the second challnge of "Content & Search" it seems like the query expander doesn't hav

Hello, in the second challnge of "Content & Search" it seems like the query expander doesn't have any effect anymore. The list of dependencies is a little different like the one in the code and probably that affects my expander is not "ignored". Current list of plugins:
new StoreQueryExpanderPlugin(), new LocalizedQueryExpanderPlugin(), new ProductPriceQueryExpanderPlugin(), new SortedQueryExpanderPlugin(), new SortedCategoryQueryExpanderPlugin(CategoryFacetConfigTransferBuilderPlugin::PARAMETER_NAME), new AttributeCartBasedBoostingQueryExpanderPlugin(), new PaginatedQueryExpanderPlugin(), new SpellingSuggestionQueryExpanderPlugin(), new IsActiveQueryExpanderPlugin(), new IsActiveInDateRangeQueryExpanderPlugin(), new CustomerCatalogProductListQueryExpanderPlugin(), new MerchantReferenceQueryExpanderPlugin(), /** * FacetQueryExpanderPlugin needs to be after other query expanders which filters down the results. */ new FacetQueryExpanderPlugin(),
I've tried changing the order but didn't help.
Edit: it seems SortedCategoryQueryExpanderPlugin is responsible for that. Commenting that it will solve the issue. But it's probably not the correct approach, right?
@U01AHAH9478 can you have a look here?
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Ok, I will check after lunch
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Yes, I can check it, but looks like Eduard find it out what’s the issue
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well, we should check why commenting the above plugin solves the problem
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let’s have a look
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first guess -> we are setting our sort only as secondary sort, so it looks like it has no effect
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final check tomorrow, then we’ll correct! thanks for spotting!
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theory: using
instead ofaddSort
would do the trick, but also disabling all other sorting. did you try yo move the sorting plugin from the task above the sorted category plugin?0 -
nope, my theory was wrong. but i could confirm the behaviour, investigating
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of course it only breaks on category pages, as the plugin name suggests. if you go through the search page it still works as intended
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ok, solved.
in theElastica
library effectively replaces the sorting. Elasticsearch is actually capable of more 🤷0 -
maybe it doesn’t even make sense what i am writing 😄 it’s late
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yes does not make sense… it is actually much simpler. our function_score scoring is not in effect since we explicitly sort in SortedCategoryQueryExpanderPlugin if we are in a category page.
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we will add the solution to remove that plugin and why. thanks, @U01E6Q6AMHC! /cc @U01AHAH9478
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Thank you @UJN2JRU4F for this investigation! 🙂
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