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Itβs a history of our time together in the Slack Community! Thereβs a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.
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Hi, Are there any changes in YvesBootstrap.php file? Am trying to do the bootcamp hello-world my pag
Hey! What are you using for YvesBoostrap?
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I assume to register controller. If yes this is a deprecated functionality and we use Routers.
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I just installed B2C , and following the bootcamp tutorial to start , then i found in YvesBootstrap is different from bootcamp video.
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Yeah, seems like bootcamp is a bit outdated. Now we use RouterPlugins to register routes instead of controller providers
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You can take any RouterPlugin as an example.
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ok, instead of updating the Yvesbootstrap i need to create a router ?
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Yes you need to create a router plugin
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And add it here
\Pyz\Yves\Router\RouterDependencyProvider::getRouteProvider0 -
Ok, Thanks
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Hey @UPWG882P6, could you please send us the URL (or at least page title) so that we could double-check itβs content?
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no-no, I mean the URL of the tutorialβs page, where you see the instructions to create controllerProviders, and where Router is missing
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perfect, thanks a lot for your feedback! We will double-check that the instructions there are correct and fix the inconsistencies
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Nice. π
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Btw, in the top-right corner you can see this βDiscussionβ button - this is also the way to leave your feedback there
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Aah so, Thanks for Info.
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