What are the Slack Archives?
It’s a history of our time together in the Slack Community! There’s a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.
Because this space is not active, you won’t be able to create a new post or comment here. If you have a question or want to start a discussion about something, head over to our categories and pick one to post in! You can always refer back to a post from Slack Archives if needed; just copy the link to use it as a reference..
Hey team… This is probably not a problem… but I just received a random email telling I’ve been enro
Hey team…
This is probably not a problem… but I just received a random email telling I’ve been enrolled in a new course: “Spryker Development Environment Overview”…
The link in the email takes me to a subdomain I haven’t used before… “https://sprykee-safari.spryker.com/learn/signin”.
Is this a problem?
Thanks @U02P7B6K2LC - it seems someone pressed the wrong button somewhere. The domain is an internal Spryker learning platform you won't be able to access. If you change the url to academy.spryker.com/........ it will take you to the course
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you got the email as this is a new course being added to a learning plan you are already enrolled to. Unfortunately it was automatically sent from our learning platform with the wrong domain. Sorry for the inconvenience and we will make sure this is adjusted before we add more content
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No worries! I just wanted to make sure you guys were aware! 👍👍👍
- All Categories
- 42 Getting Started & Guidelines
- 7 Getting Started in the Community
- 8 Additional Resources
- 7 Community Ideas and Feedback
- 77 Spryker News
- 939 Developer Corner
- 795 Spryker Development
- 90 Spryker Dev Environment
- 362 Spryker Releases
- 3 Oryx frontend framework
- 35 Propel ORM
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- 3 Community Ideation Board
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- 3 PHP Bridge
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- 28 Job Opportunities
- 3.2K 📜 Slack Archives
- 116 Academy
- 5 Business Users
- 370 Docker
- 551 Slack General
- 2K Help
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- 6 Random Stuff
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- 33 Product & Business Questions
- 69 Spryker Safari Questions
- 50 Random