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Heya, there seems to be some discrepancy between the video and teh challenge on

Heya, there seems to be some discrepancy between the video and teh challenge on https://training.spryker.com/courses/take/developer-bootcamp/texts/4326891-different-stores-different-logic-lesson-and-challenge/discussions/725120
not sure which to follow. I'm guessing the challenge is kind of a simplified version of the video? without adding the config and having to edit /etc/hosts
The video mentions changing a config file and then building the application folder, while the challenge only address the second part.
Then the discussion channel had some comments about updating yaml files... gonna go ignore the video for now and follow the simpler example, see if that works
Please follow the challenge, video correction is in the works. Unfortunately, it's in the nature of the beast that it takes longer
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I will work in the docker bits soon, but it actually is just
APPLICATION_STORE=AT docker/sdk console...
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oh you have to pass the global var first... π€¦ hahaha... didn't try that one think I tried most of the other combinations.... Thanks Marco
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