In the Content & Search part 1 of the Bootcamp I am facing an issue

Hello everyone. In the Content & Search part 1 of the Bootcamp I am facing the issue that all the images of the Products are suddenly missing (entire shop). Tried docker/sdk bootstrap && docker/sdk up
, tried docker/sdk restart
, everything regarding npm
and yarn
, starting and stopping. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas of what might be the problem? Thank you in advanced. It looks something like this:
interesting 🤔
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what are the urls inside the html?
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Sorry, which html do you mean 🙂 ?
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Inspect element on the link I guess Marko means
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yes, the html of the page you show in the screenshot
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/en/asus-transformer-book-t200ta-139 is the link for the specific image for example
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Can you expand the
element?0 -
does that image in data-src exist?
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the cloudfront one
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it is there, I found it under the
path in the fileproduct_abstract.csv
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hope that is what you meant
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no, sorry. i meant: can you access that picture under that url?
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oh, that actually seems to be on our end 🤔
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someone is looking into it
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No problem. Thank you very much for responding, I will be online tomorrow morning, and I will also continue to look at it
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Hi, just wanted to inform you that everything is fine now as I see it 🙂 …. so the problem was on your side? what was is it?
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unfortunately, i did not get final feedback. for me, some images are still mssing
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ok, it seems to work fine on my side, but maybe I am missing something also. Thanks, let me know what it was when you get feedback, I am curious 🙂
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