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I can see the sequence exists, If I run `SELECT nextval('pyz_hello_spryker_pk_seq')` manually I do g

I can see the sequence exists, If I run SELECT nextval('pyz_hello_spryker_pk_seq')
manually I do get a result
thatβs a nwe one π€
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let me check
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docker or vagrant?
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is it after doing the whole task or at some intermediate step?
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After doing the whole step
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can you please try to run
console propel:install
again?0 -
still same unfortunately
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can you give us a screenshot of the complete error message you are getting?
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The URL is: http://zed.us.spryker.local/hello-spryker
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aaaaaaah! π
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very important info here that we are in thee us store
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it does not share thee peresistence with the other stores
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when you execute console commands, such as propel:install you will always have a store context (or codebucket sometimes called in recent versions)
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so, the seequence probably does not exist in your US store
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because if nothing is explicitly set, if defaults to DE (see config/Shared/default_store.php)
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you can change that by passing thee store explicitly into docker:
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APPLICATION_STORE=US docker/sdk console propel:install
0 -
Thank you very much, that worked
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Actually Iβll use the de store from now, probably be easier
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