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Hi, I have a question about ACL for Zed users. I have created rules and roles for a set of CMS users
Hi, I have a question about ACL for Zed users. I have created rules and roles for a set of CMS users who only need access to Content Management, Glossary, etc
. The ACL works fine and prevents these users from accessing the other sections from Zed. However these users can still see the things they cannot access in the left side navigation. Is it possible to easily adjust the Zed navigation for a role?
to my knowledge that’s not existing (yet). would be great also for some buttons within pages (e.g. if user has no permission to access edit pages, ideally the edit buttons would be hidden)
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Configuring automatically would be really good, I think Drupal does that.
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But in this case I would be happy to configure it by hand, if that were possible.
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I would recommend to add this feature request for our product team here - https://spryker.ideas.aha.io/ideas/new.
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small recommendation: I like such idea boards. and it seems they are screened and “categorized” regularly as they are all in different status. as a non-regular visitor it’s still not visible that this is maintained actively. some short comment of “thank you, we reviewed the idea and moved it to xyz” and also follow up of “this has been delivered with release xyz” would be highly appreciated
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you won’t have time to go into deeper discussion for each probably, but some human interaction increases the perception of care and awareness significantly imo 🙂
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I will forward this feedback to our product team, thanks! 🙂
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thank you, valerii!
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Thanks Valerii, 'idea' registered 🙂 💡
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