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hi, have you already tried new *virtiofs* in the docker for mac? Is it any better than mutagen? Or a
Some internal communication regarding this feature:
Valerii Trots <https://www.docker.com/blog/speed-boost-achievement-unlocked-on-docker-desktop-4-6-for-mac/> xxx It doesn’t look like docker-sdk should support it in any way, there is a new option right in docker. I switched synchronization back to “native” and testing it right now. Will let you know about results xxx It doesn’t work Breaks on composer install: 323/897 [==========>-----------------] 36% Failed to extract spryker-shop/tabs-widget: (1) '/usr/bin/unzip' -qq '/data/vendor/composer/tmp-d6b6df503e8510ee7cd4eabfbfb2efa9' -d '/data/vendor/composer/cd4cad2b' warning: cannot set modif./access times for /data/vendor/composer/cd4cad2b/spryker-shop-tabs-widget-8ce9237/ Operation not permitted warning: cannot set permissions for /data/vendor/composer/cd4cad2b/spryker-shop-tabs-widget-8ce9237/ Operation not permitted warning: set times/attribs failed for /data/vendor/composer/cd4cad2b/spryker-shop-tabs-widget-8ce9237/ The archive may contain identical file names with different capitalization (which fails on case insensitive filesystems) Unzip with unzip command failed, falling back to ZipArchive class Without experimental feature all good. So yeah, it’s either docker problem, or some magic inside docker/sdk.. yyy Permission error solved by one of development builds <https://github.com/docker/roadmap/issues/7#issuecomment-1083515882> but project still slower a lot than mutagen it eats a lot of intel CPU (no antivirus installed) transfer generate takes 80 sec (with mutagen on my pc it takes ~3 sec)
0 -
Thank you @valerii.trots 🙂 So seems like mutagen is still better
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